books by subject

The Classics: All You Need to Know, from Zeus's Throne to the Fall of Rome

Sense of History, A: The Roman Empire Book Two (A SENSE OF HISTORY)

Roman Circuses: Arenas for Chariot Racing

Roman Britain (Revised) (Introductory Guides)

Britain In Roman Times

Roman Fort (Inside Story)

Decline and Fall of Roman Britain

Horace Odes and Carmen Saeculare (Latin & Greek Texts)

Tacitus Annals I: A Selection: 1

Cicero and the Roman Republic (Greece and Rome: Texts and Contexts)

Veni, Vidi, Vici: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Romans but Were Afraid to Ask (Classic Civilisations)

30-Second Ancient Rome: The 50 Most Important Achievements of a Timeless Civilization, each Explained in Half a Minute

Roman Cookery: Recipes and History (Cooking Through the Ages)

Nero (BCP Latin Texts)

Fall Of The Roman Empire (Phoenix Giants)

Caesar: A Life in Western Culture

Roman Canterbury: A Journey into the Past

Real Romans: Digital Time Traveller

Oxford Readings In Menander, Plautus, And Terence (Oxford Readings In Classical Studies)


The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome (Penguin Historical Atlases)

The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece (Penguin Historical Atlases)

Virgil (Past Masters S.)

Lord Elgin and the Marbles

The Roman Empire 27 B.C.-A.D.476: A Study in Survival

As the Romans Did: A Sourcebook in Roman Social History

The Legacy of Rome

The Later Roman Empire (Fontana History of the Ancient World)

Epigrams With parallel Latin text (Oxford World's Classics)