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Die schönsten Volkslieder.

Der Fuchs im Hühnerstall.

52 Things to Do While You Poo: Puzzles, Activities and Trivia to Keep You Occupied

By Jassburn, Hugh

The Misanthrope and Other Plays

By Moliere, Jean-Baptiste

Shooting an Elephant: And Other Essays (Penguin Modern Classics)

By Orwell, George, Paxman, Jeremy

The Marble Collector

By Ahern, Cecelia


By Carol Shields, Shields, Carol

Pick of "Punch"

By Davis, William (ed.).

A Week in December

By Faulks, Sebastian, Sebastian Faulks

Hermsprong (World's Classics S.)

By Bage, Robert, Faulkner, Peter

Less Than Zero: Bret Easton Ellis

By Easton Ellis, Bret

Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses

By Lodge, David


By Fitzgerald, Penelope

Die Leber wächst mit ihren Aufgaben: Komisches aus der Medizin

By Hirschhausen, Eckart von

Other Side of You

By Vickers, Salley

Pride and Prejudice (Collins Classics)

By Austen, Jane

Complete Verse

By Belloc, Hilaire, Wilson, A.N.

Nightmare Abbey

By Peacock, Thomas Love


By A. S. Byatt


By Townsend, Sue, Sue Townsend

The Adventure (The MIT Press)

By Giorgio Agamben, Lorenzo Chiesa

Even Coarser Sport

By Michael Green

Peter Pan (Collins Classics)

By Barrie, J.M.

How it Works: The Dad (Ladybirds for Grown-Ups)

By Hazeley, Jason, Morris, Joel

The Nicomachean Ethics (Great Books in Philosophy)

By Aristotle

Les états d'âme de Cellulite (Collection Dargaud 16/22)

By Bretecher

Kalki: A Novel

By Vidal, Gore, Box, Edgar

The Master and Margarita (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics S.)

By Mikhail Bulgakov

Candide (Clarendon French Series)

By Voltaire, Brumfitt, J. H.

The Bluffer's Guide to Archaeology

By Bahn, Paul G.