By Forster, E
By Richard Brown
By Orwell, George, Mr George
By Simpson, WILLIAM
By Aldred, John
By Kevin Evans
By Janice Morphet (Bartlett School of Architecture, university college london, UK)
By Rydin, Yvonne
By Clara Greed
By Jerome Booth
By Warren, John
By Galsworthy, John, Watts M.A. Ph.D., Professor Cedric, Carabine, Dr Keith, Jenkins, Alison
By BOSCO, David L.
By Dickens, Charles, Sebag-Montefiore, Mary, Ablett, Barry
By Dove, Jane
By Cardwell, Mike, Clark, Liz, Meldrum, Claire
By Hills, Eleanor, Cardwell, Mike
By Lawton, Jean-Marc
By Anderson, Angela
By British Pharmacopoeia Commission
By kontopidi-greveniotis-konstantinos-amp, DK
By Gareth King
By James Swarbrick (PharmaceuTech, Inc, Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA), James C. Boylan (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, )
By Evans, Kevin, Gordon, Keith, Senior, Trevor, Speed, Brian, Kevin Evans, Keith Gordon, Trevor Senior, Brian Speed
By Christopher Bishop, Bishop, Christopher
By Pickering, Ron
By Books, CGP
By Patmore, Mark; Seager, Brian
By King, Hazel, Shepard, Tristram, Tristram, Shepard, Hazel King, Tristram Shepard, Shepard Tristram