books by subject
School Bullying & Truancy Counseling

Supporting Literacy and Numeracy: A Guide for Learning Support Assistants

Stories for Classroom and Assembly: Active Learning in Values Education at Key Stages One and Two

Primary Heads: Exceptional Leadership in the Primary School

Coordinating Science Across the Primary School (Subject Leaders' Handbooks)

Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Accountability: Meeting the Standards

From Teacher to Middle Manager

The Caring Teacher's Guide to Discipline: Helping Young Students Learn Self-Control, Responsibility, and Respect

Creating An Accelerated Learning School

The Question of Morale

A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Research

How Children Fail

How Popular Musicians Learn: A Way Ahead for Music Education

The National Curriculum in England - Handbook for Primary Teachers

School Governance: Policy, Politics and Practices

Managing People in Education

Thinking through Primary Practice (The Open University Postgraduate Certificate of Education)

The Empowered School: Management and Practice of Development Planning (School development)

Research and the Teacher: Qualitative Introduction to School-based Research

STUDENT FINANCE: Essential Guide

The Essential Guide for Competent Teaching Assistants: Meeting the National Occupational Standards at Level 2

Teacher's Guide 6 (Busy Ant Maths)

Anger Management Workbook for Kids: 50 Fun Activities to Help Children Stay Calm and Make Better Choices When They Feel Mad

To Want to Learn: Insights and Provocations for Engaged Learning

The Global Future of Higher Education and the Academic Profession: The BRICs and the United States

Educational Policies and Inequalities in Europe

Evaluating Education: Issues and Methods

Widening Participation in Higher Education: Casting the Net Wide?

Mass Education, Global Capital, and the World: The Theoretical Lenses of Istvan Meszaros and Immanuel Wallerstein

Teacher’s Guide 2 (Busy Ant Maths)