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School Governor

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The Male in the Head : Young People, Heterosexuality and Power

By et al, Holland

The School Governors Legal Guide

By Lowe, Chris

Working with Governors in Schools: Developing a Professional Partnership

By Beckett, Cynthia, etc., Bell, Les, Rhodes, Chris

Governors and Heads in Grant-Maintained Schools

By Page, Ray

Mastering Deputy Headship (Leadership Skills in Education)

By Kerry, Prof Trevor, Wilding, Mandy, Evans, Sally-Ann

A Handbook for Deputy Heads in Schools

By Donnelly Jim

Mental Geometry (Starting from Your Head: Mental Geometry)

By Fielker, David, Pinel, Jeni

The Secondary Head: Roles, Responsibilities and Reflections (Management in education)

By Mortimore, Peter, Jo

Effective Financial Management: A Practical Guide for School Business Managers and Governors

By Joan Binder, Peter Beaven, Joan Binder, Peter Beaven

New Way Series: Heads and Tails

By Munton, Gill, Fidge, Louis

The Head of Department's Pocketbook: A Pocketful of Tips, Tools and Techniques to Help Secondary School Teachers Manage Their Departments Efficiently (Teachers' Pocketbooks)

By Best, Brin, Thomas, Will, Hailstone, Phil

All five mathematical games books: Numbers in Your Head: 20 Mental Mathematical Activities: 4

By Spooner, John, Mosley, Frances, Martin, Andy

Mental Number - Starting from Your Head

By Fielker, David

Headship (Primary File Guide to... S.)

By Southworth, Geoff, Reeves, Graham

Basics for School Governors

By Sallis, Joan

Improving Levels of Attainment in Science (Croner's manual for heads of science)

By Stephen Dengate

The Complete Guide to Attendance and Absence (Croner's The Head's legal guide)

By Whitney, Ben

Demonstrations and Experiments in Science (Croner's manual for heads of science)

By Crystall, Ben