books by subject

The Libertine (NHB Modern Plays)

Planet of the Apes: Re-Imagined by Tim Burton (Newmarket Pictorial Moviebook)

Reading Screenplays: How to Analyse and Evaluate Film Scripts (Creative Essentials)

Doctor Who and the Crusaders

My Booky Wook


Screenplay (Sense and Sensibility)

Pulp Fiction

Screenplay (Star Wars)

Screenplay (Star Wars)

Screenplay (Star Wars)

Abide Guide: Living Like Lebowski

Only Fools And Horses - The Scripts Vol 1

The Full Monty

Border Crossing: Russian Literature Into Film

Hollywood and the Great Depression: American Film, Politics and Society in the 1930s

Alien 2

Constructing Green Lantern: From Page to Screen

The Fred Dibnah Story

Withnail and I (the screenplay) 10th anniversary edition

Clockwise (A Methuen paperback)

The Pythons Autobiography

The Best of "Men Behaving Badly"

The Singing Detective

Game of Thrones: A Guide to Westeros and Beyond: The Only Official Guide to the Complete HBO TV Series

Translations (Faber Paperbacks)

Save the Cat!: The Only Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need: The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need

Billy Elliot

Under Milk Wood A Play for Voices