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Schools History Project : The American West and Medicine Through Time

By Erik Blakeley

GCSE Biology

By Mackean, D. G., D. G. Mackean


By Fidge, Louis, Louis Fidge

Earth, Atmosphere and Space: Bk. 2 (Simon & Schuster modular science - Key Stage 3)

By Bradberry, James, James Bradberry

Biology for the IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate Diploma)

By Clegg, C. J., C. J. Clegg

A Level Mathematics for Edexcel: Decision D1

By Jefferson, Brian, Brian Jefferson

King Lear (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Morris, Jonathan, Bain, Elspeth, Smith, Rob, William Shakespeare

The Complete Companions: AS Student Book for AQA A Psychology (Third Edition)

By Mike Cardwell, Cara Flanagan

The Oxford School German Dictionary (Bilingual Dictionary)

By Grundy, Valerie, Morris, Neil, Morris, Roswitha

GCSE Religious Studies: Truth, Spirituality & Contemporary Issues Student Book AQA/B: AQA/B Student Book

By Michael Keene

Edexcel GCSE ICT Student Book

By Heathcote, Robert, Latif, Naveed, Mason, Monica, Waller, David, Robert S.U. Heathcote, Mr Naveed Latif, Mrs Monica Mason, Mr David Waller

Collins Student Support Materials - AQA (B) Biology: Genes and Genetic Engineering

By Collins, Mike Boyle

Earth, Atmosphere and Space: Bk. 1 (Simon & Schuster modular science - Key Stage 3)

By Bradberry, James, James Bradberry

Skills in Home Economics: Technology

By Ridgwell, Jenny, Davies, Ms Louise, Jenny Ridgwell, Ms Louise Davies

Twelfth Night (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Gibson, Rex, William Shakespeare

New National Curriculum Mathematics: Bk. 7: With Answers and Exam Questions (New National Curriculum Maths)

By Vickers, K. M., Tipler, M. J., Van Hiele, H.L., K. M. Vickers, M. J. Tipler, H.L. Van Hiele

Biology for You - National Curriculum Edition for GCSE: National for GCSE

By Williams, Gareth, Paul, Nick, Gareth Williams, Nick Paul

AQA GCSE Media Studies: Student Book

By Jerry Slater, Steff Hutchinson, Julia Sandford-Cooke, Slater, Jerry, Hutchinson, Steff, Sandford-Cooke, Julia

AS Level Chemistry for OCR A: Student Book

By CGP Books, CGP Books

GCSE Double Science Chemistry The Revision Guide Higher Level: Chemistry Revision Guide - Higher Level (Double Science Revision Guides)

By Richard Parsons

Twelfth Night (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Gibson, Rex, William Shakespeare

The Tempest (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Gibson, Rex, William Shakespeare

GCSE Chemistry

By Earl, Bryan, Wilford, Doug, Bryan Earl, Doug Wilford

Mathematics for AQA GCSE (Modular) Foundation Tier

By Banks, Mr Tony, Alcorn, Mr Tony Banks

ST(P) Mathematics 4A: Teacher's Notes and Answers

By Bostock, L., Chandler, S., Shepherd, A., Smith, E., L. Bostock, S. Chandler, A. Shepherd, E. Smith

Framework Maths: Year 8: Access Workbook: Access Workbook Year 8

By Allan, Ray, Williams, Martin, Perry, Claire, Ray Allan, Martin Williams, Claire Perry

Twelfth Night (Oxford School Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Gill OBE, Roma, William Shakespeare

AQA GCSE Maths 2006: Modular Foundation Student Book and ActiveBook

By Senior, Trevor, Fisher, Tony, Procter-Green, Shaun, Burns, Sandra, Trevor Senior, Tony Fisher, Shaun Procter-Green, Sandra Burns

The Merchant of Venice (Oxford School Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Gill OBE, Roma, William Shakespeare

IGCSE Physics second edition + CD

By Duncan, Tom, Kennett, Heather, Tom Duncan, Heather Kennett