books by subject
Self-Help & Psychology Humour

Little Woodford

TheGood Soldier A Tale of Passion by Ford, Ford Madox ( Author ) ON Apr-26-2007, Paperback

Rodham: The SUNDAY TIMES bestseller asking: What if Hillary hadn't married Bill?

Bad Summer People: The scorchingly addictive summer must-read of 2023

Calm the F**k Down (A No F*cks Given Guide)

The Lie of the Land: ‘A very good read indeed' Matt Haig

Catfulness: A cat's guide to achieving mindfulness


Being a Man

Small Doses: Potent Truths for Everyday Use

TheNamesake by Lahiri, Jhumpa ( Author ) ON Jul-04-2004, Paperback

The Joy of Small Things: 'A not-so-small joy in itself.' Nigella Lawson

Babel Tower (The Frederica Potter Novels)

The Best A Man Can Get

Melissa Miller's Definitive I.Q. Test For Cats And I.Q. Test For Cat Owners


American Psycho


Yellow Dog

Injury Time

Slap and Tickle: The Unusual History of Sex and the People Who Do it

The Ambassadors (Penguin Classics)

The Second Tiny Book of Hugs

The Boy with Two Heads

Special Topics in Calamity Physics

Last Resort: A New York Times Editor’s Pick

Zadig and L'Ingénu (Penguin Classics)

Lost At Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries

The Quarry