books by subject
Social & Cultural Anthropology
Navigating Terrains of War: Youth and Soldiering in Guinea-Bissau: 13 (Methodology & History in Anthropology, 13)
The Western Island, or Great Blasket (Oxford Paperbacks)
Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
Terms of Survival: The Jewish World Since 1945
Jews and the New American Scene
Britain etc.
Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Anthropology, Culture and Society)
Visions of Culture: An Introduction to Anthropological Theories and Theorists
Crafts and Traditions of the Canary Islands: 17 (Shire ethnography)
Mirror for Humanity: Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Capital Culture: Gender at Work in the City (IJURR Studies in Urban and Social Change Book Series)
Being Jewish and Doing Justice: Bringing Argument to Life (Parkes-Wiener Series on Jewish Studies)
Culture Of Complaint (Panther S.)
Taking Humour Seriously
Wilful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious
Talking Prices: Symbolic Meanings of Prices on the Market for Contemporary Art: 29 (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology)
Culture and Materialism (Radical Thinkers)
Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)
Concepts of the Self (Key Concepts)
Identity, Culture and the Postmodern World
Challenging Codes: Collective Action in the Information Age (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies)
Unwrapping Christmas (Oxford Studies in Social & Cultural Anthropology: Cultural Forms)
Looking for Spinoza: Joy,Sorrow and the Human Brain
The Return of Cultural Treasures
In the Land of Israel (Flamingo S.)
Introduction to the People and Cultures of Melanesia
Kin Groups and Social Structure
Making of a Television Series: A Case Study in the Sociology of Culture