books by subject
Social Science Human Geography

Caribbean Racisms: Connections and Complexities in the Racialization of the Caribbean Region

The Language of Asylum: Refugees and Discourse

The Mediterranean Dimension of the European Union's Internal Security

Geopiracy: Oaxaca, Militant Empiricism, and Geographical Thought

Border Shifts: New Mobilities in Europe and Beyond

Oriental Identities in Super-Diverse Britain: Young Vietnamese in London

Young Migrants: Exclusion and Belonging in Europe

Punjabi Immigrant Mobility In the United States: Adaptation Through Race and Class

Women and Fluid Identities: Strategic and Practical Pathways Selected by Women

African State Governance: Subnational Politics and National Power

Understanding Geographies of Polarization and Peripheralization: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond

Europeanization of the Western Balkans: Environmental Governance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia

Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II: v. 2

Social Transformation and Migration: National and Local Experiences in South Korea, Turkey, Mexico and Australia

European Integration, Processes of Change and the National Experience

Chinese Village, Global Market: New Collectives and Rural Development

Parliament and Diaspora in Europe

Contemporary Issues of Migration and Theology

Gender, Migration and Domestic Work: Masculinities, Male Labour and Fathering in the UK and USA

Trilingual Talk in Sicilian-Australian Migrant Families: Playing Out Identities Through Language Alternation

The EU and Immigration Policies: Cracks in the Walls of Fortress Europe?

Family and Intimate Mobilities

Southeast Asia and the English School of International Relations: A Region-Theory Dialogue

Urbanization, Urbanism, and Urbanity in an African City: Home Spaces and House Cultures

Theorizing Society in a Global Context

Cosmopolitanism, Self-Determination and Territory: Justice with Borders

Political Elites and Decentralization Reforms in the Post-Socialist Balkans: Regional Patronage Networks in Serbia and Croatia

The Truth About Syria

Global Beauty, Local Bodies