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Social Science Human Geography

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Caribbean Racisms: Connections and Complexities in the Racialization of the Caribbean Region

By I. Law, S. Tate

The Language of Asylum: Refugees and Discourse

By Steven Kirkwood, Simon Goodman, Chris McVittie, Andy McKinlay

The Mediterranean Dimension of the European Union's Internal Security

By S. Wolff

Geopiracy: Oaxaca, Militant Empiricism, and Geographical Thought

By Joel Wainwright

Border Shifts: New Mobilities in Europe and Beyond

By N. Ribas-Mateos

Oriental Identities in Super-Diverse Britain: Young Vietnamese in London

By T. Barber

Young Migrants: Exclusion and Belonging in Europe

By K. Fangen, T. Johansson, N. Hammaren

Punjabi Immigrant Mobility In the United States: Adaptation Through Race and Class

By Diditi Mitra

Women and Fluid Identities: Strategic and Practical Pathways Selected by Women

By H. Afshar

African State Governance: Subnational Politics and National Power

By A. Carl LeVan, Joseph Olayinka Fashagba, Edward R. McMahon

Understanding Geographies of Polarization and Peripheralization: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond

By Thilo Lang, Sebastian Henn, Kornelia Ehrlich, Wladimir Sgibnev

Europeanization of the Western Balkans: Environmental Governance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia

By Adam Fagan, Indraneel Sircar

Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II: v. 2

By Fernand Braudel, S. Reynolds

Social Transformation and Migration: National and Local Experiences in South Korea, Turkey, Mexico and Australia

By S. Castles, D. Ozkul, M. Cubas

European Integration, Processes of Change and the National Experience

By S. Boerner, M. Eigmuller

Chinese Village, Global Market: New Collectives and Rural Development

By T. Saich, B. Hu

Parliament and Diaspora in Europe

By M. Laguerre

Contemporary Issues of Migration and Theology

By E. Padilla, P. Phan

Gender, Migration and Domestic Work: Masculinities, Male Labour and Fathering in the UK and USA

By M. Kilkey, D. Perrons, A. Plomien

Trilingual Talk in Sicilian-Australian Migrant Families: Playing Out Identities Through Language Alternation

By A. Rubino

The EU and Immigration Policies: Cracks in the Walls of Fortress Europe?

By C. Roos

Family and Intimate Mobilities

By C. Holdsworth

Southeast Asia and the English School of International Relations: A Region-Theory Dialogue

By L. Quayle

Urbanization, Urbanism, and Urbanity in an African City: Home Spaces and House Cultures

By P. Jenkins

Theorizing Society in a Global Context

By A. Krossa

Cosmopolitanism, Self-Determination and Territory: Justice with Borders

By Oliviero Angeli

Political Elites and Decentralization Reforms in the Post-Socialist Balkans: Regional Patronage Networks in Serbia and Croatia

By Alexander Kleibrink

The Truth About Syria

By Barry Rubin

Global Beauty, Local Bodies

By A. Jafar, E. Casanova

Deskilling Migrant Women in the Global Care Industry

By S. Cuban