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Social Sciences Methodology

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Hermeneutics and Social Science (University Library)

By Bauman, Zygmunt

The Scientific Study of Society

By Steuer, Max

Global Transformations: Anthropology and the Modern World

By Trouillot, M.

Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research

By King, Gary, Keohane, Robert O., Verba, Sidney

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches

By Creswell, John W.

Thinking About Social Thinking: Philosophy of the Social Sciences

By Flew

Sociology Of Sex And Sexuality (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Sociology)

By Hawkes, Gail

Return Grand Theory Hn Se

By Skinner

Methods of Meta-Analysis: Correcting Error and Bias in Research Findings

By John Hunter, Frank Schmidt, Hunter, John E., Schmidt, Frank L.

Theory and Methods in Political Science (Political Analysis)

By Marsh, David, David Marsh, Gerry Stoker

Mathematics for Social Scientists

By Kropko, Jonathan M.

Program Evaluation: Forms and Approaches

By Owen, John Maxwell, Rogers, Patricia

ANDRICH: RASCH MODELS FOR MEASUREMENT, VOL. 68 (P) (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)

By Andrich, David

Applied Qualitative Research in Psychology

By Joanna Brooks, Nigel King

Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials

By Denzin, Norman K.

Internet Inquiry: Conversations About Method

By Annette Markham, Nancy Baym, Markham, Annette N

Investigating Audiences

By Ruddock, Andy

What Has Sociology Achieved?

By Becker, Henk A., Bryant, Christopher G.A.

Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies (Social Research Today)

By Rose, David

Eloquent Images: Word and Image in the Age of New Media

By Mary E Hocks, Hocks, Mary E

Adaptation to Coastal Storms in Atlantic Canada (SpringerBriefs in Geography)

By Vasseur, Liette, Thornbush, Mary J., Plante, Steve

Concepts, Methods and Practical Applications in Applied Demography: An Introductory Textbook

By Thomas, Richard K.

A Practitioner's Guide to State and Local Population Projections: 37 (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, 37)

By Smith, Stanley K., Tayman, Jeff, Swanson, David A.

The Measurement and Analysis of Housing Preference and Choice

By Jansen, Sylvia J.T., Coolen, Henny C.C.H., Goetgeluk, Roland W.

Dynamic Population Models: 17 (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, 17)

By Schoen, Robert

The Descent of Human Sex Ratio at Birth: A Dialogue between Mathematics, Biology and Sociology: 4 (Methodos Series, 4)

By Brian, Eric, Jaisson, Marie

New Contributions to the Philosophy of History: 6 (Methodos Series, 6)

By Little, Daniel

Modelling Written Communication: A New Systems Approach to Modelling in the Social Sciences: 8 (Methodos Series, 8)

By Pratt, Deirdre

The Explanatory Power of Models: Bridging the Gap between Empirical and Theoretical Research in the Social Sciences: 1 (Methodos Series, 1)

By Franck, Robert

Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course: 3 (Life Course Research and Social Policies, 3)

By Oris, Michel, Roberts, Caroline, Joye, Dominique, Ernst Stähli, Michele