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Social Sciences Statistics & Research

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Social Network Analysis: A Handbook

By John Scott

Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards

By Collier, David

Sociological Visions: With Essays from Leading Thinkers of our Time

By Kai Erickson, Daniel Bell, Paul DiMaggio, Denis Donoghue, Jean Bethke Elshtain

Network Analysis

By David Knoke, James H. Kuklinski

Studying Society: The Essentials

By Karen Evans (Institute of Education, University of London, UK), Dave King

Cycles of Meaning: Exploring the Potential of Talk in Learning Communities / Ed. by Kathryn Mitchell Pierce.

By Pierce

Researching Language in Schools and Communities: Functional Linguistic Perspectives (Open Linguistics S.)

By Unsworth, Len

Survey Methods in Social Investigation

By Moser, C.A., Kalton, G.

Active Statistics: Stories, Games, Problems, and Hands-on Demonstrations for Applied Regression and Causal Inference

By Andrew Gelman (Columbia University, New York), Aki Vehtari (Aalto University, Finland)

And Random Processes Introduction to Probability, Statistics

By Hossein Pishro-Nik

Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry and Practice

By Peter Reason, Hilary Bradbury-Huang

Doing Research with Children and Young People

By Sandy Fraser, Vicky Lewis, Sharon Ding, Mary Kellett, Chris Robinson

Studying Audiences: The Shock of the Real

By Virginia Nightingale

Practical Research: A Guide for Therapists (Skills for Practice S.)

By French MCSP DipTP BSc MSc(Psych) MSc(Soc) PhD Dr., Sally

Paradigm and Ideology in Educational Research: Social Functions of the Intellectual

By Thomas S. Popkewitz

Being Reflexive in Critical and Social Educational Research

By Geoffrey Shacklock, John Smyth

Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for an Action Sensitive Pedagogy

By Max van Manen

The Dynamics of Social Practice: Everyday Life and how it Changes

By Elizabeth Shove, Mika Pantzar, Matt Watson

Researching Values with Qualitative Methods: Empathy, Moral Boundaries and the Politics of Research

By Antje Bednarek-Gilland

Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences: Made in Circulation

By Wiebke Keim, Ercument Celik, Veronika Woehrer

Child Well-Being: Understanding Children's Lives

By Sylda Langford, Peter Pecora, Markell Harrison-Jackson, Asher Ben-Arieh, John Rowlands

Planning a Research Project: Guide for Practitioners and Trainees in the Helping Professions

By Martin Herbert

Introducing Data Analysis For Social Scientists

By Rose, N/A

Research Methods Made Simple: Stories, Games & Puzzles to Help You Understand

By Catherine Dawson

100 Activities for Teaching Research Methods

By Catherine Dawson

Sociology (Collins Internet-Linked Dictionary of)

By David Jary, Julia Jary

Sociology: The Key Concepts

By John Scott (University of Plymouth, UK)

Successful Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide for Beginners

By Virginia Braun, Victoria Clarke

The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers

By Johnny Saldana

SPSS 12.0 Guide to Data Analysis

By Marija Norusis