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Social Sciences Statistics & Research

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Handbook of Ethics in Quantitative Methodology (Multivariate Applications Series)

By Panter, A. T., Sterba, Sonya K.

Doing Q Methodological Research: Theory, Method & Interpretation: Theory, Method & Interpretation

By Simon Watts, Paul Stenner, Stenner, Paul

The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory: Paperback Edition (Sage Handbooks)

By Antony Bryant, Kathy Charmaz, Bryant, Antony, Charmaz, Kathy

Statistics for Research: With a Guide to SPSS

By Argyrous, George

Case Study Research: What, Why and How?

By Swanborn, Peter

Man Facts: Fascinating Things Every Bloke Should Know

By Bridges, Dan

Field Methods in the Study of Education

By Burgess, Robert G.

You Are Not So Smart: Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, Why You Have Too Many Friends On Facebook And 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself

By Mcraney, David

Research Methods For Managers

By Gill, John, Johnson, Phil

Research Methods for Managers

By Gill, John, Johnson, Phil

Models and Methods for the Behavioural Sciences (v. 1) (Open Learning Units)

By Macrae, Sandy

Psychology Describing and Interpreting Data: 2 (Open Learning Units)

By Macrae, Sandy

Drawing Inferences from Statistical Data (Open Learning Units)

By Macrae, Sandy

Carrying Out Investigations in Psyc: Methods and Statistics

By Foster, Jeremy

Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and the Social Sciences

By John T. E. Richardson

Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement

By Oppenheim, A.N.

Surveys in Social Research: 5 (Social Research Today)

By Vaus, D.A.De

Surveys in Social Research

By Vaus, D.A.De

Research and Inequality

By Humphries, Beth, Truman, Carole

Using Questionnaires in Small-scale Research: A Teacher's Guide: No. 104 (SCRE Publication)

By Drever, Eric, Munn, Pamela

Using Observations in Small-Scale Research: A Beginner's Guide: No. 130 (SCRE Publication)

By Simpson, Mary, Tuson, Jennifer

Using Observations in Small-Scale Research: A Beginner's Guide (Using research series SCRE publication)

By Simpson, Mary, Tuson, Jennifer

Street Children

By Butcher, Andy

Not so New Labour: A sociological critique of New Labour's policy and practice

By Prideaux, Simon

Understanding Theories and Concepts in Social Policy

By Ruth Lister

Researching and Writing Dissertations in Hospitality and Tourism (Tourism and Hospitality Management Series)

By Clark, Mona, Wood, Roy C., Riley, Michael

Designing and Analysis Questionnaires: A Manual for Health Professionals and Administrators

By Jackson, Chris

Pocket World in Figures 2008

By The Economist

The World Guide 1997/98: An Alternative Reference to the Countries of Our Planet

By Bissio, Roberto

Social Research: An Introduction

By Matthew David, Carole Sutton, Sutton, Carole