books by subject
Social Sciences

Why Politics Matters: Making Democracy Work

The European Union and Global Capitalism: Origins, Development, Crisis (The European Union Series)

Local Government in the UK (Government Beyond the Centre)

What is Property?

Writer's Handbook Guide to Writing for Children

Straightforward Intermediate Student Book

IELTS Foundation Student Book

IELTS Foundation Teachers Book

Learning Teaching: A guidebook for English language teachers

Macmillan English 2: Practice Book (Elt Course for Middle East)

Macmillan English 3: Practice Book (Primary ELT Course for the Middle East)

The Wars Against Saddam: Taking the Hard Road to Baghdad

Horse Guards

Paragraph Writing: From Sentence to Paragraph

Paragraph Writing Teacher's Guide: From Sentence to Paragraph

Dictionary of Military Terms (3rd Edition) (ELT) (Campaign Series Cover)

When Difficult Relatives Happen to Good People

Beyond Childlessness

Health and Family Life Education: Student's Book 2

Health and Family Life Education: Student's Book 3

The Business of Memory: Fast-track Your Career with Supercharged Brain Power

Writing in Paragraphs

How to Study: Practical Tips for university Students

Literary Theory: A Practical Introduction

A Companion to Contemporary Art since 1945 (Blackwell Companions to Art History)

Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience

Geographies of Globalization: A Critical Introduction (Critical Introductions to Geography)

Psychological Development and Early Childhood (Child Development)

Children's Personal and Social Development (Child Development)