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Social Welfare & Services

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On Trust: Increasing the Effectiveness of Charity Trustees and Management Committees

Meeting the Challenge of Change: Voluntary Action into the 21st Century - The Report of the Commission on the Future of the Voluntary Sector

Angels of Mercy or Development Diplomats?: NGOs and Foreign Aid

By Terje Tvedt

Blighted Harvest: World Bank and African Agriculture in the 1980s

By Peter Gibbon, Kjell J. Havnevkik, Kenneth Hermele

Development and Crisis of the Welfare State: Parties and Policies in Global Markets

By Evelyne Huber, John D. Stephens

Philanthropy and the Hospitals of London: The King's Fund, 1897-1990

By F. K. Prochaska (Honorary Research Fellow in History, Honorary Research Fellow in History, university college, London), HRH The Prince of Wales

When Aid is No Help: How projects fail, and how they could succeed

By John Madeley

Exploited Earth: Britain's Aid and the Environment

By Teresa Hayter

Stakeholding and Its Critics

By Will Hutton, Tim Congdon, David Green, Sir Stanley Kalms, Martin Ricketts

The Other Invisible Hand: Remaking Charity for the 21st Century

By Charles Landry, Geoff Mulgan

Bridge of People: Personal View of Oxfam's First Forty Years

By Ben Whitaker

Foreign Aid Reconsidered

By Roger C. Riddell

Lessons in Leadership: Meeting the Challenges of Public Service Management

By Eileen Milner, Paul Joyce (Nottingham Trent University, UK)

Beyond Profit: The Complete Guide to Managing the Nonprofit Organisation

By Fred Setterberg, Penelope Cagney

From Charity to Creativity: Philantropic Foundations in the 21st Century

By Helmut K. Anheier, Diana Leat

Voluntary Organisations and Social Policy in Britain: Perspectives on Change and Choice

By Harris, Margaret, Rochester, Colin

Grassroots Associations

By David Horton Smith

Russia's Torn Safety Nets: Health and Social Welfare During the Transition

By Mark G. Field, Judyth L. Twigg

Quality of Life: Concept, Policy and Practice

By David Phillips (University of Sheffield, UK)

The Inclusive Society?: Social Exclusion and New Labour

By Ruth Levitas

Towards a Social Investment Welfare State?: Ideas, Policies and Challenges

By Nathalie Morel (Sciences Po, France), Bruno Palier (Centre d'etudes europeennes, SciencesPo., France.), Joakim Palme (Director, Institute for Future Studies, Sweden.)

Motivational Interviewing: Theory, Practice and Applications with Children and Young People

By Eddie McNamara

Aid on the Edge of Chaos: Rethinking International Cooperation in a Complex World

By Ben Ramalingam (Independent consultant and writer)

Does Foreign Aid Really Work?

By Roger C. Riddell (Non-Executive Director, Oxford Policy Management, and Principal, The Policy Practice)

Remaking the Welfare State: Swedish Urban Planning and Policy-making in the 1990s

By A. Khakee, etc., I. Elander, S. Sunesson (all of the Department of Political Science, University of Umea, Sweden)

The Welfare State in Crisis

By Ramesh Mishra

The Transnational Family: New European Frontiers and Global Networks

By Deborah Bryceson, Ulla Vuorela

Social Theory, Social Change and Social Work

By Nigel Parton

"999": Dramatic Stories of Real-life Rescues

By Michael Buerk

Governance Processes for Public Services: A Compendium of Case Studies

By C. Tomkins, P. Vass