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Advertising as Multilingual Communication

By H. Kelly-Holmes

Men and Masculinities in Global English Language Teaching

By R. Appleby

Linguistic Fieldwork: A Practical Guide

By Claire Bowern

Public Service Interpreting: The First Steps

By A. Corsellis

English - One Tongue, Many Voices

By Jan Svartvik, Geoffrey Leech

The Aesthetics of Free Speech: Rethinking the Public Sphere

By J. Roberts

Implementing and Researching Technological Innovation in Language Teaching: The Case of Interactive Whiteboards for EFL in French Schools

By S. Whyte

Intercultural Communication in the Chinese Workplace

By D. Ping

Emerging Multiplicity: Integration and Responsiveness in Asian Business Development

By Sten Soederman

Standard English and the Politics of Language

By T. Crowley

Isolation and Language Change: Contemporary and Sociohistorical Evidence From Tristan da Cunha English

By D. Schreier

Translating Evidence and Interpreting Testimony at a War Crimes Tribunal: Working in a Tug-of-War

By Ellen Elias-Bursac

The Language of Asylum: Refugees and Discourse

By Steven Kirkwood, Simon Goodman, Chris McVittie, Andy McKinlay

International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca: Pedagogical Insights

By Hugo Bowles, Alessia Cogo

Linguistic Ethnography: Interdisciplinary Explorations

By Fiona Copland, Sara Shaw, Julia Snell

Linguistic Ethnography: Interdisciplinary Explorations

By Fiona Copland, Sara Shaw, Julia Snell

Sociolinguistics in Scotland

By R. Lawson

Spoken English, TESOL and Applied Linguistics: Challenges for Theory and Practice

By Rebecca Hughes

Researching Communication Disorders

By A. Ferguson, E. Armstrong

Leadership Discourse at Work: Interactions of Humour, Gender and Workplace Culture

By S. Schnurr

Researching Communication Disorders

By A. Ferguson, E. Armstrong

Working in Language and Law: A German Perspective

By H. Kniffka

Conceptualising 'Learning' in Applied Linguistics

By P. Seedhouse, S. Walsh, C. Jenks

Transcultural Performance: Negotiating Globalized Indigenous Identities

By Michele Back

Language and Power in Court: A Linguistic Analysis of the O.J. Simpson Trial

By J. Cotterill

Translation and Fantasy Literature in Taiwan: Translators as Cultural Brokers and Social Networkers

By Y. Chung

Democratic Policies for Language Revitalisation: The Case of Catalan

By M. Strubell, E. Boix-Fuster

Europe and the Politics of Language: Citizens, Migrants and Outsiders

By Mairead Nic Craith

Discursive Constructions of Identity in European Politics

By R. Mole

The Construction of English: Culture, Consumerism and Promotion in the ELT Global Coursebook

By J. Gray