books by subject

Localizing Strategies

Wives for Cattle: Bridewealth and Marriage in Southern Africa

Culture and Communication: The Logic by which Symbols Are Connected. An Introduction to the Use of Structuralist Analysis in Social Anthropology (Themes in the Social Sciences)

Fields of Change Among the Iteso of Kenya

Navigating Youth Generating Adulthood: Social Becoming in an African Context

Prenez votre sante en main

Custom and Confrontation: The Kwaio Struggle for Cultural Autonomy

Anthropology and Development

Anthropology and Africa: Changing Perspectives on a Changing Scene

Migrants, Workers and Social Order

Ethical Ambition

Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.

Psychoanalysis and Culture: Contemporary States of Mind

Social Work with Children and Families

Social Work in the Wake of Disasters

The Formation of Political Parties and the First National Elections in Russia

Reflexive Historical Sociology

Post-Soviet Chaos: Violence and Dispossession in Kazakhstan

Public Policies and Political Development in Canada

The Limits of Law: The Public Regulation of Private Pollution

Into Unknown England, 1866-1913: Selections from the Social Explorers

The Hidden Wealth of Nations

Social Theory and Postcommunism

Basic Concepts In Sociology

The End of Poverty: Growing the World's Wealth in an Age of Extremes

Development Theory

Pandemic!: COVID-19 Shakes the World


Social Structures Of Direct Democracy: On The Political Economy Of Equality: Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 68