books by subject

Out of Order: Russian Political Values in an Imperfect World

Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics

Welfare and well-being: Social value in public policy

Birthday Wish: Traditional Sentiments and Tokens of Birthtide


Interpersonal and Group Behaviour (Essential Psychology)

Socialization (Penguin science of behaviour)

Super-Wealth: The Secret Lives of the Oil Sheikhs

Competence in Social Work Practice: A Practical Guide for Students and Professionals

The Social Work Supervisor

Remember When: A Nostalgic Trip Through the Consumer Era

Intercultural Communication: An advanced resource book for students (Routledge Applied Linguistics)

Social Work Management and Practice: Systems Principles

The Blackwell Companion to Social Work

The Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy

Megacatastrophes!: Nine Strange Ways the World Could End

The Sexual Life of Catherine M.

Bits of Me are Falling Apart: Dark Thoughts from the Middle Years

Schadenfreude: Why we feel better when bad things happen to other people

The Sociology of Economic Life

The Tocqueville Reader: A Life in Letters and Politics

T.S.Kuhn and Social Science

What The Dog Saw & Other Adventures

Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 1901-1910 in Their Own Words

The Mismeasure of Man

Group Processes: Dynamics within and Between Groups


What's Really Happening to Our Planet?: The Facts Simply Explained

Living and Working in France: A Survival Handbook