books by subject
Space Opera for Young Adults

Zima Blue

Star Wars: The Power Of Myth (DK edition)

Terminal World

Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation 2 Volume 1

Violations: No. 4 (Star Trek: Voyager)

Seven of Nine: No. 16 (Star Trek: Voyager)

Death of a Neutron Star: No.17 (Star Trek: Voyager)

Ragnarok: No. 3 (Star Trek: Voyager)

Loyalties: No.10 (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Starfleet Academy)

Absolution Gap: Alastair Reynolds (Revelation Space Sequence)

Redemption Ark (Revelation Space Sequence)

The Infinity Files: 1 (The Infinity Files)

Aurora Rising: Previously published as The Prefect

Skyward: The First Skyward Novel

Renegade: 3 (Star wars Rebel Force)

HOSTAGE BY Wheeler, Alex(Author)Paperback ON Jan-01-2009

Nyxia: The Nyxia Triad

Nyxia: The Nyxia Triad

Carve the Mark (Carve the Mark, Book 1)

Incident at Arbuk: No. 5 (Star Trek: Voyager)


Target: 1 (Star wars Rebel Force)

House of Suns (GOLLANCZ S.F.)

Chasm City

Blue Remembered Earth


Starfleet Academy: No.2 (Star Trek: Voyager)

Star Trek: Generations

Caretaker: v. 1 (Star Trek: Voyager)