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Spanish Poetry

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By Neruda, P

Don Quixote (Penguin Classics)

By Cervantes, Miguel, Rutherford, John

Odes to Common Things

By Pablo Neruda, Ferris Cook, Ken Krabbenhoft

The Alchemist

By Paulo Coelho

The Old Man and the Sea

By Hemingway, Ernest

Marinero En Tierra

By Rafael Alberti

Screaming with Joy: The Life of Allen Ginsberg

By Graham Caveney

The Dialogue of Two Snails

By Federico Garcia Lorca

I Have More Souls Than One

By Fernando Pessoa

Contemporary U.S. Latino/ A Literary Criticism

By L. Sandin, R. Perez

Libros De Poema

By García Lorca, Federico

Yerma: Poeta En Nueva York

By García Lorca, Federico

The Poem of the Cid: Dual Language Edition (Penguin Classics)

By None, Michael, Ian, Perry, Janet, Hamilton, Rita

Selected Poems

By Neruda, Pablo

Twenty Love Poems: And A Song Of Despair

By Pablo Neruda, Neruda, Pablo, Boix, Leo, Merwin, W S



The Poems of Octavio Paz

By Paz, Octavio, Weinberger, Eliot, Bishop, Elizabeth, Blackburn, Paul, Levertov, Denise, Rukeyser, Muriel

Poems of Arab Andalusia

By Franzen, Cola

The Book of Sand Including the Gold of the Tigers(Selected Later Poems)

By Jorge Luis Borges, Norman Thomas Di Giovanni, Alastair Reid, Jorge Luis Borges

The Poems of St. John of the Cross

By St John of the Cross

Requiem for a Spanish Peasant (Hispanic Classics) (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

By Ramon J. Sender, Graham Whittaker

Memoirs (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics S.)

By St. Martin, Hardie, Neruda, Pablo

The Baroque Poem. A Comparative Survey Together with 150 Illustrative Texts from English, American, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Mexican, Portuguese, Polish, Modern Latin, Czech, Croati...

By Harold B. Segel

Memoirs (Condor Books)

By Neruda, Pablo, St.Martin, Hardie

Selected Poems

By Pablo Neruda

The Savage Detectives

By Bolaño, Roberto, Wimmer, Natasha

Don Alvaro o La Fuerza Del Sino (Letras Hispanicas): 33

By Rivas, Duque De

Como agua para chocolate: Novela de entregas mensuales, con recetas, amores y remedios caseros

By Esquivel, Laura, Ferraris, Monika

Selected Poems

By Neruda, Pablo, Tarn, Nathaniel, Kerrigan, Anthony

Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda

By Neruda, Pablo, Tarn, Nathaniel