books by subject
Spiritual Rituals

Soul Feast, new trade-size: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life

Come to the Garden


A Worship Anthology for Advent & Christmas

Christian Belief and Practice (Religions & issues)

Being Jack Dominian - Reflections on Marriage, Sex and Love

Flying Free

Faith Can Change Your Destiny

Corrie Ten Boom Omnibus: "Hiding Place", "In My Father's House", "Tramp for the Lord"

The Long Search (Hodder Christian paperbacks)

The Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion is Giving Way to Spirituality (Religion and Spirituality in the Modern World)

Creative Ideas for Evening Prayer: For Seasons Feasts and Special Occasions Throughout the Year - An All Age Resource

Advent for the Whole Church Community

A Priest's Handbook: The Ceremonies of the Church, Third Edition

To Be Confirmed (Hodder Christian Paperbacks)

Looking and Longing: A Course to Rekindle the Spirit of Advent

The Twelve Steps of Humility and Pride (Christian classics)

Sing a New Song: Choosing and Leading Praise in Today's Church

Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice: Experiments in Spiritual Transformation

Pagan Christianity: Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices

Strengthening Your Grip

Only a Prayer Meeting: Studies on Prayer Meetings and Prayer Meeting Addresses

Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity: 110 (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Series Number 110)

Christian Worship and Technological Change

Things To Do in Children's Worship 3

Things To Do in Children's Worship 4

Shine on, Star of Bethlehem: A Christian Aid Worship Anthology for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

In Sure and Certain Hope: Rites and Prayers from the Order of Christian Funerals for the Use of Lay Leaders (Roman Catholic Liturgy Committ)

Praying with Jesus (Following Jesus)