books by subject
Spiritual Rituals
Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity: 110 (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Series Number 110)
Christian Worship and Technological Change
Things To Do in Children's Worship 3
Things To Do in Children's Worship 4
Shine on, Star of Bethlehem: A Christian Aid Worship Anthology for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany
In Sure and Certain Hope: Rites and Prayers from the Order of Christian Funerals for the Use of Lay Leaders (Roman Catholic Liturgy Committ)
Praying with Jesus (Following Jesus)
This is My Body
Patterns and Prayers for Christian Worship: Guidebook for Worship Leaders
Christ is Coming: Celebrating Advent, Christmas and Epiphany
The Eucharist, Our Sanctification
Help! it's Sunday: All-Age Worship Resource Book
The Book of Uncommon Prayer: Contemplative and Celebratory Prayers and Worship Services for Youth Ministry (Soulshaper): No. 1 (Soulshaper S.)
New Monasticism: What It Has to Say to Today's Church
Restless Hope (United Reformed Church Prayer Handbook)
The Hearing Ear: Learning to Open Up to God
Being Baptized
The Canterbury Preacher's Companion 2014: Complete Sermons for Sundays, Festivals and Special Occasions
You Are Mine: Daily Bible readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day
Common Worship: Holy Baptism
The Oxford Guide to the Book of Common Prayer: A Worldwide Survey
With Christ in the School of Prayer
Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict
Eggs and Ashes: Practical & Liturgical Resources for Lent and Holy Week
In the Spirit: Pre- and Post Confirmation Programme for Catholic and Anglican Teenage Christians
Christian Meditation: Contemplative Prayer for a New Generation
All Age Events and Worship: An Introductory Guide and Resource
A Year with Thomas Merton
Serving at the Altar