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Go, go, go! (Start Reading: Fun at the Beach)

By Llewellyn, Claire, Beard, Lauren

The Ghost Train

By Liss Norton

Goodnight, Baby! (Start Reading: Baby and Me)

By Llewellyn, Claire, Lovsin, Polona

No Wobbly Teeth (Start Reading: All About Henry)

By Rooney, Anne, Fiorin, Fabiano

Me and My Dad

By Amanda Rainger, Simone Abel

The Raja and the Rice: an Indian Tale

By Jillian Powell

Start Reading: Tales From Around the World: Wicked Aunt Baba: a Russian Tale

By Jillian Powell

The Wizard and the Flea: a Mexican tale

By Jillian Powell

Fish Fingers and Leaks (Start Reading: The Poor Pirates)

By Tom Easton (Author)

Where's Buckshot? (Start Reading: Sheriff Stan)

By Gowar, Mick, Hall, Francois

Start Reading: Ruby and Merlin: Mr Frost

By Blackford, Andy, Watson, Richard

Start Reading: The Forest Family: The Winter Cave

By Penny Dolan, Kirsten Richards

Jack and the Hungry Bear (Start Reading: Just Jack)

By Blackford, Andy

Start Reading: Superfrog: The Groaning Ghost

By Liss Norton, Emma McCann

Dad's New Clothes (Start Reading: Going Shopping)

By John, Louise, Latimer, Miriam

Finn and the Hiccups (Start Reading: Finn's Fortune)

By Gowar, Mick, Archbold, Tim

Birthday Cake! (Start Reading: Going Shopping)

By John, Louise, Latimer, Miriam, Louise John

Blue Glasses (Start Reading: Going Shopping)

By John, Louise, Latimer, Miriam

Poppy's Teddy (Start Reading: Going Shopping)

By John, Louise, Latimer, Miriam

Start Reading: Outdoor Fun: In the Garden

By Annemarie Young, Louise Redshaw

Start Reading: Down In The Jungle: Lulu's Song

By Wallace, Karen, Williams, Lisa

Start Reading: All About Henry: Too Dirty!

By Anne Rooney, Fabiano Fiorin

Start Reading: Sheriff Stan: Rodeo Rider

By Gowar, Mick, Hall, Francois

Where's my Sock?

By Anne Rooney, Fabiano Fiorin


By Jillian Powell, Mark Chambers

Start Reading: Sheriff Stan: Stan's Song

By Gowar, Mick, Hall, Francois

The Magic Paintbrush: a Chinese tale

By Jillian Powell

Splash! (Start Reading: Fun at the Beach)

By Llewellyn, Claire, Beard, Lauren

Let's Go Out (Start Reading: Outdoor Fun)

By Young, Annemarie, Redshaw, Louise

Dad's Net (Start Reading: Fun at the Beach)

By Llewellyn, Claire, Beard, Lauren