books by subject
Strategy Management

The Global Business Leader: Practical Advice for Success in a Transcultural Marketplace

The Corporate Brand

Asian Brand Strategy: How Asia Builds Strong Brands

Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action

CSR in the Middle East: Fresh Perspectives

Knowledge Creation Processes: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Knowledge Intensive Firms

Project Portfolio Management: Leading the Corporate Vision

Hedgehogs and Foxes: Character, Leadership, and Command in Organizations

Seven Management Moralities

Authority and Autonomy: Paradoxes in Modern Knowledge Work

Outsourcing Success: The Management Imperative

Knowledge Management in Project-Based Companies: An Organic Perspective

Understanding and Profiting from Intellectual Property: A guide for Practitioners and Analysts

International Perspectives on Social Entrepreneurship

Labour Relations and Industrial Performance in Brazil: Greater Sao Paulo, 1945-1960

Open Innovation through Strategic Alliances: Approaches for Product, Technology, and Business Model Creation

Private Business - Public Battleground: The Case for 21st Century Stakeholder Companies

Synconomy: Adding Value in a World of Continuously Connected Business

New Economy - New Competition: The Rise of the Consumer?

Can Japan Compete?

The Nature of Marketing: Marketing to the Swarm as well as the Herd

The Neglected Firm: Every Manager Must Manage Two Firms - The Present One and the Future One

Organizational Epics and Sagas: Tales of Organizations

From Capitalistic to Humanistic Business

The Palgrave Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business

Organizational Olympians: Heroes and Heroines of Organizational Myths

Exploring Identity: Concepts and Methods

Hybrid Forms of Governance: Self-suspension of Power

Risk Management in Post-Trust Societies