books by subject
Structural Engineering

Unsaturated Soil Concepts and Their Application in Geotechnical Practice

Structural Mechanics: Worked Examples

Foundation Design and Construction

Steel Designer's Manual

Reinforced Concrete Design

Structural and Stress Analysis


Why Buildings Fall Down: Why Structures Fail

Offshore Pipelines

Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis (McGraw-Hill International Editions: Engineering Mechanics Series)

Introduction To Coastal Engineering And Management (2nd Edition): Second Edition: 30 (Advanced Series On Ocean Engineering)

Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain

Theory of Plates and Shells (McGraw-Hill Classic Textbook Reissue Series)

Handbook of Structural Steelwork

Eurotunnel: The Illustrated Journey

A Short Course in Foundation Engineering

Foundation Analysis and Design

Ground Engineer's Reference Book

A Short Course in Foundation Engineering

Foundation Engineering in Difficult Ground

Learning from Construction Failures: Applied Forensic Engineering

Settlement of Structures on Clay Soil: 38 (PSA civil engineering technical guide)

Engineering in Glacial Tills

Mathematics for Engineers: A modern interactive approach

Discrete Fracture Network Modeling of Hydraulic Stimulation: Coupling Flow and Geomechanics (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

Basic Coastal Engineering

Improving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems: 14 (Water Science and Technology Library, 14)

Environmental Hydrology: 15 (Water Science and Technology Library, 15)

Numerical Methods for Shallow-Water Flow: 13 (Water Science and Technology Library, 13)