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Structure & Syntax

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Wort Fur Wort: New Advanced German Vocabulary

By Stocker, Paul

The Warden of English

By Jenny McMorris

The Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors

By Isaacs, Alan, Daintith, John, Martin, Elizabeth

Heinemann A Level French Grammar Practice

By Jacob, Schofield

Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar

By G.L. Kittredge, J.H. Allen

A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language

By H. M. Nahmad, John A. Haywood

How to Write in Arabic

By El Mustapha Lahlali

Mastering Arabic Grammar

By Jane Wightwick, Mahmoud Gaafar

Victor Dudman's Grammar and Semantics

By J. Curthoys, V. Dudman

Diccionario practico de gramatica: Libro de ejercicios - claves

By Oscar Cerrolaza, Enrique Sacristan

Diccionario practico de gramatica: Diccionario practico de gramatica

By Oscar Cerrolaza

Diccionario practico de gramatica: Libro de ejercicios

By Oscar Cerrolaza, Enrique Sacristan

Exercices communicatifs de la grammaire progressive: Niveau intermediaire A2/B1

By Maia Gregoire, Gracia Merlo

Collins Primary Focus - Grammar and Punctuation: Pupil Book 4

By Fidge, Louis, Louis Fidge

What is This Thing Called Language?

By David Nunan

Improve Your Punctuation and Grammar: Master the Essentials of the English Language and Write with Greater Confidence

By Marion Field

Exercices de vocabulaire en contexte: Livre de l'eleve - niveau intermedia

Best of British: The American's Guide to Speaking British

By Mike Etherington, Sarah Etherington

Frontiers of Phonology: Atoms, Structures and Derivations (Longman Linguistics Library)

By Durand, Jacques, Katamba, Francis

750 German Verbs and Their Uses

By Jan R. Zamir, Rolf Neumeier

Mot a Mot Fifth Edition: New Advanced French Vocabulary

By Paul Humberstone

Mediterranean Europe Phrasebook

By Sally Steward

Harrap's German Verbs

By Lexus

The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase, Saying and Quotation

By Knowles, Elizabeth

Syllables and Segments

By Alan Bell, Joan B. Hooper

El Verbs Catalans: Models

Parsing below the Segment in a Constraint-Based Framework

By Cheryl Zoll (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Eat's Shoots & Leaves - Why, Commas Really Do Make A Difference!

By Author

The Handbook of Phonological Theory

By John A. Goldsmith

Transformational Grammar as a Theory of Language Acquisition: A Study in the Empirical Conceptual and Methodological Foundations of Contemporary Linguistics

By Bruce L. Derwing