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The Sufi Mystery

By N.P. Archer, Nathaniel P. Archer, Sufi Trust

Sufi: Expressions of the Mystic Quest (Art and Imagination)

By Laleh Bakhtiar

Rumi: Whispers of the Beloved

By Mafi, Maryam, Kolin, Azima Melita

Sufism (Mandala Books)

By Arberry, Arthur J.

The Way of the Sufi

By Idries Shah, Shah, Idries

Spiritual Verses: The First Book of the Masnavi-Ye Ma'navi (Penguin Classics)

By The Jalaluddin Rumi, Williams, Alan, Williams, Alan

Living Presence (Revised): The Sufi Path to Mindfulness and the Essential Self (Cornerstone Editions)

By Kabir Edmund Helminski

A Simple Guide to Prayer for Beginners: For New Muslims

By Al-Toma, Batool

When You Hear Hoofbeats Think of a Zebra: Talks on Sufism

By Friedlander, Shems

Love of Allah: Experience the Beauty of Salah (prayer)

By The Qur'an Project, al-Kharraz, Mishari, al-Mehri, A.B., The Qur'an Project

Sufism: Mystical Writings of Islam

By Wannell, Bruce

Light Upon Light: Inspirations from Rumi

By Rumi, Jelaluddin, Harvey, Andrew

The Inner Life: Three Classic Essays on the Spiritual Life by the Beloved Teacher Who Brought Sufism to the West

By Khan, Hazrat Inayat

Signs of the Unseen: The Discourses of Jalaluddin Rumi

By Thackston, W.M.

The Book of Assistance

By Al-Haddad, Abdallah Ibn Alawi, Al-Badawi, M.

The Nightingales are Drunk (Penguin Little Black Classics)

By Hafez

The Mystics of Islam (Arkana S.)

By Nicholson, Reynold

The Forbidden Rumi: The Suppressed Poems of Rumi on Love, Heresy, and Intoxication

By Ergin, Nevit O., Johnson, Will

What is Sufism? (Mandala Books)

By Lings, Martin

Mystical Dimensions of Islam

By Schimmel, Annemarie

The Alchemy of Happiness

By Al Ghazali, Abu Hamed

Where the Two Seas Meet: Al-khidr and Moses-the Qur'anic Story of Al-khidr and Moses in Sufi Commentaries as a Model for Spiritual Guidance

By H. Talat Halman

Women of Sufism: A Hidden Treasure

By Camille Adams Helminski

Caravan of Dreams

By Idries Shah

Ibn Ata Illah/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari (CWS): The Book of Wisdom and Kwaja Abdullah Ansari, Intimate Conversations (Classics of Western Spirituality (Paperback))

By Danner, Victor

The Healing Power of Sufi Meditation

By Mirahmadi, Sayyid Nurjan, As-Sayyid Nurjan, Al-Haqqani, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil

The Illuminated Prayer: The Five-Times Prayer of the Sufis as Revealed by Jellaludin Rumi & Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

By Barks, Coleman, Green, Michael

Dala'il Al-Khayrat (Original Arabic, Transliteration and Translation to English)

By Al-Jazuli, Imam Muhammad Ibn Sulayman, Elsayed, Ali

The Chasm of Fire: A Woman's Experience of Liberation Through the Teachings of a Sufi Master (Element Classic Editions)

By Tweedie, Irina, Moore, John

The Heart of Islam: Enduring Values for Humanity

By Nasr, Seyyed Hossein