By Michel, Maher Z., Goodman MA DPhil FRCA, Neville W., Aitkenhead BSc MD FRCA Professor, Alan R.
By Henderson, John W.
By Craft, T.M., Upton, P.M., T. M., P. M.
By Zald, David, Rauch, Scott
By Al-Fallouji, M.A.R., McBrien, M.P.
By Smiddy, F G
By Galley, Helen
By Ellis, Harold
By Sutcliffe BSc MB ChB FFARCS ARPS, Anne
By Kirk, R. M., etc.
By Steele, Robert, Cuschieri, Alfred, Moossa, Abdool
By Verbov, J.
By Tjandra, Joe
By Bint MB ChB FRCPath, A. J., Burt BSc MD FRCPath FlBiol Professor, Alastair D., Laker MD Dip Biochem FRCPath, M. F., Reid MD BSc FRCP MRCPath DCH, M. M.
By Sodera, Vija K., Saleh, D.M.
By Kirk, R. M.
By Gartsman MD, Gary M.
By Hoppenfeld, Stanley, deBoer, Piet
By Lamb
By Jarrell, Bruce E., Carabasi, R.Anthony, Dinkel, Amy G.
By Radosevich, James A.
By Scharfman, Helen E., Buckmaster, Paul S.
By Hayat, M.A.
By Hopperus Buma, Adriaan P.C.C., Burris, David, Hawley, Alan, Ryan, James, Mahoney, Peter F.
By Coker MD, Newton J., Jenkins MD, Herman A.
By Maurice King (Department of Community Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, University of Leeds), Peter C. Bewes (Consultant Surgeon, Consultant Surgeon, The Birmingham Accident Hospital), James Cairns (Medical Superintendent/Surgeon, Medical Sup...
By David J. Warwick (MD BM DIMC EDHS FRCS FRCS(Orth) Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Southampton University Hospitals; and Honorary Senior Lecturer, university of Southampton, Southampton, UK), Louis Solomon, Selvadurai Nayagam (BSc MCh(Orth) FRCS (Orth)...
By jonathan-wyatt, Wyatt, Jonathan P., Illingworth, Robin N., Graham, Colin A., Hogg, Kerstin, Robertson, Colin, Clancy, Michael