books by subject
Tactics & Military Science

Second World War

Stalingrad [ STALINGRAD BY Beevor, Antony ( Author ) May-01-1999[ STALINGRAD [ STALINGRAD BY BEEVOR, ANTONY ( AUTHOR ) MAY-01-1999 ] By Beevor, Antony ( Author )May-01-1999 Paperback

Knight's Cross: A Life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

Harwell: The Enigma Revealed

The Gurkhas

European Defence Cooperation (Chatham House Papers)

Torture and Democracy

Understanding Civil-Military Interaction: Lessons Learned from the Norwegian Model (Military Strategy and Operational Art)

Tale of Tabun, The

Eagles High - Battle of Britain - 50th Anniversary

The Cold War

Age of Chivalry, v.3 (Arms and Uniforms)

World Famous - War Heroes

Every Man a Tiger

Follow Me!: History of Israel's Military Elite

Submarine (Coronet Books)

Second World War

Complete Book of World War II Combat Aircraft

Hold Everything Dear: Dispatches on Survival and Resistance

The Battle for Iraq: BBC News Correspondents on the War Against Saddam and a New World Agenda

They Have Their Exits

Monty: Battles of Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery

Culture and Society: 1780–1950

Biggin on the Bump: The Most Famous Fighter Station in the World

To VE-Day Through German Eyes: The Final Defeat of Nazi Germany

The Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare: The Middle Ages, 768–1487

A Brief History of the British Army (Brief Histories)

K. Boats: Steam-powered Submarines in World War I

From Weimar to Wall Street (1918-29) (History of the 20th Century)