books by subject
Teaching Students with Physical Disabilities

The Bangor Dyslexia Teaching System

Winning with Dyslexia: A Guide for Secondary Schools

Language Learning and Dyslexia: Symposium Proceedings, 15th February 2008

The Visually Impaired: Curricular Access and Entitlement in Further Education

Activity Pack (Bk. 3) (Beat Dyslexia S.)

Helping Children Cope with Dyslexia (Overcoming common problems)

Primary school mathematics (ILEA curriculum guidelines)

Get Physical!: An Inclusive, Therapeutic PE Programme to Develop Motor Skills

Educating Pupils with Special Needs in the Ordinary School

Visual Perception Problems in Children with AD/HD, Autism, and Learning Disabilities: A Guide for Parents and Professionals (JKP Essentials)

Learning and perceptuo-motor disabilities in children

The Education of Children with Physical and Neurological Disorders

Fairy Magic: 1

TEACHING CHILDREN WITH VISUAL IMPAI (Children With Special Needs Series)

Readings in Visually Handicapped Education

Adapted Physical Education and Sport

Whose Special Need?: Some Perceptions of Special Educational Needs

Mathematics For Dyslexics: A Teaching Handbook (US E PC06242)

How to Understand and Support Children with Hearing Difficulties

The Bangor Dyslexia Teaching System

The Reality of Dyslexia (Cassell Education)

Living With Dyslexia: The social and emotional consequences of specific learning difficulties/disabilities (nasen spotlight)

The Nature of Special Education (Open University Set Book)

Let's Sign Dictionary: Everyday BSL for Learners [2nd Edition]

Implementing Inclusive Education: A Commonwealth Guide to Implementing Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities

Let's Sign Dictionary: Everyday BSL for Learners

Dyspraxia 5-14: Identifying and Supporting Young People with Movement Difficulties

Inclusion Through Sports

Including Children 3-11 With Physical Disabilities: Practical Guidance for Mainstream Schools