books by subject
Test Preparation for Young Adults

Pupil Book 1 (Mission: français)

Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates (SAGE Study Skills Series)

GCSE Combined Science AQA Practice Book. Perfect for Home Learning and includes a free revision app (Scholastic GCSE Grades 9-1 Revision and Practice)

GCSE Combined Science AQA Revision Guide. Perfect for Home Learning and includes a free revision app (Scholastic GCSE Grades 9-1 Revision and Practice)

National 5 Chemistry Success Guide (Active Learning)

National 5 Geography Success Guide

New KS3 Maths Year 7 Student Book - with answers & Online Edition: ideal for starting secondary school (CGP KS3 Textbooks)

Down the Plughole: Explore Your Plumbing (Spaceship Earth S.)

GCSE Sociology for AQA: Revision Guide and Exam Practice Workbook (Collins Gcse Revision)

King Lear: Gill Shakespeare Focus

Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra)

Annales Brevet - Histoire Géo 3e - EMC - 2018: Sujets & corrigés

ABC Excellence Brevet Maths 3ème - Nouveau brevet

The Lazy Student's Revision Guide: Study Hacks For Exam Success Without The Stress (The Lazy Student's Guide)

Letts A-level Practice Test Papers - AQA A-level Biology: Practice Test Papers

Doing Your Masters Dissertation: Realizing your potential as a social scientist (SAGE Study Skills Series)

Fieldwork for GCSE Geography

Teacher Pack 1 (Mission: français)

Teacher Pack 3 (Mission: français)

Pupil Book 3 (Mission: français)

Idioms: Idioms in English can be amusing, colourful and expressive but if you don’t know what they mean, it’s easy to get confused. (Collins Work on Your…)

Introduction to Philosophy (Outline S.)

GCSE 9-1 Maths Higher Exam Practice Workbook, with Practice Test Paper (Letts GCSE 9-1 Revision Success)

How To Survive Your Viva: Defending A Thesis In An Oral Examination (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Study Skills)

How to Write Essays & Assignments (Smarter Study Skills)

Alasdair MacIntyre, Rationality and Education: Against Education of Our Age (SpringerBriefs in Education)

Contemporary Thinking on Transdisciplinary Knowledge: What Those Who Know, Know (SpringerBriefs in Education)

Enhancing Teaching and Learning in the Dutch Vocational Education System: Reforms Enacted: 18 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 18)

How to Write for University: Academic Writing for Success (Smarter Study Skills)