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The Works of William Shakespeare

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Comedies Volume 1

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, William Shakespeare

Julius Caesar Paper (New Swan Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Hulme, H M

Hamlet (Sparknotes No Fear Shakespeare)

By William Shakespeare, John Crowther

A Midsummer Night's Dream: The Cambridge Dover Wilson Shakespeare (The Cambridge Dover Wilson Shakespeare Series)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, Dover Wilson, John

King Henry VI (The Arden Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM

Twelfth Night, or What You Will (The Oxford Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Wells, Stanley W., Warren, Roger

Shakespeare's Love Sonnets (Illustrated Poets)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM

Measure for Measure (The Oxford Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Bawcutt, N. W.

Complete Works of William Shakespeare

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM

Julius Caesar (The Alexander Shakespeare S.)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Kennedy, R.B.

Cymbeline (Arden Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Nosworthy, J. M.

The History Plays: An Illustrated Edition (Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM

Romeo and Juliet (Shorter Shakespeare S.)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Williams, Cal

Romeo and Juliette: A37676 (Folio (Gallimard))

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM

The Taming of the Shrew

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Watts M.A. Ph.D., Professor Cedric, Carabine, Dr Keith

The Genius of Shakespeare

By Bate, Jonathan

Hamlet: A User's Guide

By Pennington, Michael

Macbeth: Shakespeare Made Easy

By William Shakespeare

Caliban's Voice: The Transformation of English in Post-Colonial Literatures

By Ashcroft, Bill

William Shakespeare (British Library Writers' Lives) (British Library Writers' Lives S.)

By Dominic Shellard

Searching for Shakespeare

By Cooper, Tarnya

The Lear Diaries: The Story of the Royal National Theatre's Productions of Shakespeare's Richard III and King Lear

By Cox, Brian


By william-shakespeare, William Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing: The Oxford Shakespeare: The Oxford Shakespeare Much ADO about Nothing (Oxford World's Classics)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Zitner, Sheldon P.

The First Folio of Shakespeare: In Modern Type (Applause First Folio Editions): Comedies, Histories and Tragedies: Comedies, Histories & Tragedies (Applause Books)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM

Who Wrote Bacon?: William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon and James I, a Mystery of the Twenty-first Century

By Ramsbotham, Richard

Troilus and Cressida (Oxford Shakespeare)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM, Muir, Kenneth

Macbeth (Thrift Editions)

By Shakespeare, WILLIAM

"Hamlet", William Shakespeare (Critical Essays S.)

By Cookson, Linda, Loughrey, Bryan

King Lear: 1 (The Critics Debate)

By Thompson, Ann