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Molecules of Murder: Criminal Molecules and Classic Murders: Criminal Molecules and Classic Cases

By John Emsley

Monitor Human Tissues For Toxi


Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 11th Edition (LANGE Basic Science)

By Katzung, Bertram G., Masters, Susan B., Trevor, Anthony J.

Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology, Third Edition (A & L LANGE SERIES)

By Klaassen, Curtis D., Watkins III PhD, John B.

Poverty and Vagrancy in Tudor England (Seminar Studies In History)

By Pound, John F.


By Janeway, Charles, Travers, Paul, Walport, Mark, Shlomchik

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol and Nicotine

By Miller, Michael W.

Aluminium In Food And The Environment: The Proceedings of a Symposium (Special Publications)

By Taylor, David, Massey, R

Risk Assessment of Chemicals: An Introduction

By van Leeuwen, C.J., Hermens, J.L.M.

Critical Care Toxicology: Diagnosis and Management of the Critically Poisoned Patient. Volume 1-3

By Brent, Jeffrey, Burkhart, Keith, Dargan, Paul, HATTEN, Benjamin, Mégarbane, Bruno, Palmer, Robert, White, Julian

Medical Toxicology: Antidotes and Anecdotes

By Marcus, Steven M.

Mercury as a Global Pollutant: Human Health Issues: Fourth International Conference, August 4-8 1996,Hamburg, Germany

By Wheatley, Brian, Wyzga, Ron

Public Health Risk Assessment for Human Exposure to Chemicals: 6 (Environmental Pollution, 6)

By Asante-Duah, K.

Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants

By Nelson, Lewis S., Shih, Richard D., Balick, Michael J., Goldfrank, L.R., Weil, Andrew

A Systems Biology Approach to Advancing Adverse Outcome Pathways for Risk Assessment

By Garcia-Reyero, Natalia, Murphy, Cheryl A.

The Poison Principle

By Bell, Gail

Poisoning Diagnosis and Treatment

By Vale, J.A., Meredith, T.J.


Autoimmunity and Toxicology: Immune Disregulation Induced by Drugs and Chemicals

By Kammuller, M.E., etc., Bloksma, N., Seinen, W.

Emergency Medicine Secrets

By Markovchick MD FAAEM FACEP, Vincent J., Pons MD FACEP, Peter T.

The Consumer's Good Chemical Guide: A Jargon-free Guide to the Chemicals of Everyday Life

By Emsley, John, John Emsley

Churchill's Pocketbook of Toxicology (Churchill Pocketbooks)

By Jones, Alison, Dargan, Paul

Nickel and Human Health: Current Perspectives (Advances in Environmental Science and Technology)

By Nriagu, Jerome O., Nieboer, Evert

Drug-Induced Infertility and Sexual Dysfunction

By Forman, Robert G., Gilmour-White, Susanna K., Nathalie H.

The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York

By Blum Ill, Professor of Journalism Deborah

Asthma and COPD,: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Management

By Peter J. Barnes

Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine

By Fleisher, Gary R., Ludwig, Stephen, Henretig, Fred M., Ruddy, Richard M., Silverman, Benjamin K.

The Crumbs of Creation: Trace elements in history, medicine, industry, crime and folklore

By Lenihan, J

Dermal Absorption and Toxicity Assessment

By S. Roberts Michael (University of Queensland, Woolloongabba, Australia)

Dermal Absorption and Toxicity Assessment

By Michael S. Roberts (University of Queensland, Burundi, Australia)