books by subject
Trains & Things That Go

In the Boat: A humorous story about a mouse with a boat taxi. (Collins Big Cat): Band 01a/Pink A

Racing Cars

Rally Challenge: A non-fiction recount of New Zealand’s Targa rally. (Collins Big Cat)

Olympic BMX: Band 03 Yellow/Band 14 Ruby (Collins Big Cat Progress)

Look, There's a Submarine!

Thomas & Friends: Oliver (Thomas Engine Adventures)



Amazing Machines: Flashing Fire Engines: Amazing Machines 2 (Amazing Machines, 25)

Have Fun With Arts and Crafts: Tractors and Trucks

Zoom, Rocket, Zoom! (Awesome Engines)

Audacious Aviators: True Stories of Adventurers' Thrilling Flights (Ultimate Adventurers)

I Wonder Why Planes Have Wings and Other Questions About Transport (I Wonder Why Series)

Maps of the Environmental World: Transport Networks

Viking Life: Transport

In An Emergency: Call An Ambulance

Traffic and Road Safety (Ways into Geography)

Turtle Beach: Band 09/Gold (Collins Big Cat)

Cars, Trains and Motorcycles (How Science Works)

Cheat Challenge

Never Girls #4: From the Mist (Disney: The Never Girls)

Amazing Machines: Tremendous Tractors: Amazing Machines 3


Flat Stanley Plays Ball: 1 (Reading Ladder Level 1)

Thomas and Friends: The Big Job (Reading Ladder Level 1)

Giant Jelly Jaws and The Pirates

Mr. Men: Things That Go Magnet Book

Railway Race Day (Thomas & Friends)

Thomas & Friends: Harold (Thomas Engine Adventures)