books by subject
Transportation Industry

Horse-drawn Cabs and Omnibuses in Paris: The Idea of Circulation and the Business of Public Transit

Laugh at the End of the Tunnel/Maudit Tunnel Bien-aime: Channel Tunnel Through Cartoonists' Eyes/Tunnel Sous la Manche Vuaarles les Dessinateurs Humoristiques

British and Irish Tramway Systems Since 1945

Greenwich and Dartford Tramways (Tramways Classics)

The London Tramcar, 1861-1952: No. 7 (Locomotion Papers)

Lewisham and Catford Tramways (Tramways Classics)

Bread Upon the Waters

The Heyday of the Tram: v. 1

HEYDAY OF THE TRAM: v. 2 (The Heyday of the Tram)

Irish Trams

Medway Shipping: From Frigates to Freighters

The Welsh Narrow Gauge in Colour

Transport Economics and Policy: A Practical Analysis of Performance Efficiency and Marketing Objectives

Transport Economics, 3rd Edition

The Railways, the Market and the Government

Deep Sea and Foreign Going: Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry That Brings You 90% of Everything

Michael O'Leary: A Life in Full Flight

The Perfect Girlfriend: The compulsive psychological thriller

Pearson's Canal Companion: Stourport Ring and Birmingham Canal Navigations

Eddie Stobart: The Ultimate Guide to the British Trucking Legends

Maritime Heritage of Dyfed

A Brief History of How the Industrial Revolution Changed the World (Brief Histories)

The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger

Studies in British Privateering, Trading Enterprise and Seamen's Welfare, 1775-1900 (Exeter papers in economic history)

Caledonian MacBrayne: The Fleet

Glory Days: East Kent

Careers in Airlines and Airports

Air Babylon

Stagecoach: A Classic Rags to Riches Tale from the Frontiers of Capitalism