books by subject
TV Genres

Reflections an Oral History of Twin Peaks

Love in the Time of Cinema

Film Trilogies: New Critical Approaches

British Crime Film: Subverting the Social Order

Film Remakes, Adaptations and Fan Productions: Remake/Remodel

East Asian Cinemas: Regional Flows and Global Transformations

European Cinema and Intertextuality: History, Memory and Politics

Cinematic Perspectives on Digital Culture: Consorting with the Machine

Movies That Move Us: Screenwriting and the Power of the Protagonist's Journey

Screening the Face

Genre in Asian Film and Television: New Approaches

Valuing Films: Shifting Perceptions of Worth

Behind The Shoulder Pads - Tales I Tell My Friends: The captivating, candid and hilarious new memoir from the legendary actress and bestselling author

Tales from the Tail End: Adventures of a Vet in Practice

Unrequited Infatuations: A Memoir

Poirot and Me

Fantasy Film Post 9/11

The Magic Box: Viewing Britain through the Rectangular Window

Woke Up This Morning: The Definitive Oral History of The Sopranos

Hollywood and Intimacy: Style, Moments, Magnificence

Popular Italian Cinema

Live To Your Local Cinema: The Remarkable Rise of Livecasting

British Silent Cinema and the Great War

The British Pop Music Film: The Beatles and Beyond

Cult Film Stardom: Offbeat Attractions and Processes of Cultification

Post-War Modernist Cinema and Philosophy: Confronting Negativity and Time

Cannibalism in Literature and Film

Star Actors in the Hollywood Renaissance: Representing Rough Rebels

Theodor Adorno and Film Theory: The Fingerprint of Spirit