books by subject
Under- & Postgraduate Asian Studies
Who Are We?: How Identity Politics Took Over the World
Sino-American Relations: Mutual Paranoia
Chinese Students, Learning Cultures and Overseas Study
Chinese Migration to Europe: Prato, Italy, and Beyond
Love, Marriage and Intimacy among Gujarati Indians: A Suitable Match
The Funk Era and Beyond: New Perspectives on Black Popular Culture
Asian Brand Strategy: How Asia Builds Strong Brands
Joan Myers Brown and the Audacious Hope of the Black Ballerina: A Biohistory of American Performance
African American Servitude and Historical Imaginings: Retrospective Fiction and Representation
Iran, Iraq and the Arab Gulf States
The Hybrid Factory in Europe: The Japanese Management and Production System Transferred
Chinese International Investments
The United States, China and Southeast Asian Security: A Changing of the Guard?
The Education of British South Asians: Ethnicity,Capital and Class Structure
Japanese Global Management: Theory and Practice at Overseas Subsidiaries
The Europeanization of French Foreign Policy: France and the EU in East Asia
The Love Arrangement
Maybe I Don't Belong Here: A Memoir of Race, Identity, Breakdown and Recovery
EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: Race and Racism In 70's Britain
Uzbekistan - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture
Around the World in 80 Books
Well-Read Black Girl: Finding Our Stories, Discovering Ourselves
The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories
Myths and Legends of Japan
Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault's History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things
Other Germans: Black Germans and the Politics of Race, Gender, and Memory in the Third Reich
The Good Immigrant
Community, Empire and Migration: South Asians in Diaspora
Punching the Air