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Under- & Postgraduate Culture Studies

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Edmund Husserl's "Origin of Geometry": An Introduction

By Jacques Derrida, John P. Leavey

Dialogue and Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter

By Diane P. Michelfelder, Richard E. Palmer

Saving the Text: Literature, Derrida, Philosophy

By Geoffrey H. Hartman

Introducing Foucault

By Chris Horrocks

Writing and Difference

By Jacques Derrida

Margins of Philosophy

By Derrida, Jacques, Bass, Alan

Writing and Difference

By Jacques Derrida

Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida

By Jacques Derrida, John D. Caputo

On Futurity: Malabou, Nancy and Derrida

By J. Martinon

Paradigms of Reading: Relevance Theory and Deconstruction

By I. MacKenzie

Derrida Critical Reader (Blackwell Critical Reader)

By Wood, David

Science and Social Inequality: Feminist and Postcolonial Issues

By Sandra Harding

Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research

By Jerome Kirk, Marc L. Miller

On Derrida

By Stephen Hahn

Deconstruction and Criticism

By Harold Bloom, Jacques Derrida

Forget Foucault

By Jean Baudrillard, Sylvère Lotringer, H. Beitchman, M. Polizzoti

Involuntary Associations : Postcolonial Studies and World Englishes: 15 (Postcolonialism Across the Disciplines)

By David Huddart

Of Grammatology

By Derrida, Professor Jacques, Spivak, Professor Gayatri Chakravorty


By Jacques Derrida, Peggy Kamuf

Speech and Phenomena, and Other Essays on Husserl's Theory of Signs

By Jacques Derrida, David B. Allison, Newton Garver

The Cambridge Introduction to Jacques Derrida

By Leslie Hill (University of Warwick)

Acts of Literature

By Jacques Derrida, Derek Attridge

Learning to Live Finally: The Last Interview

By Deceased Jacques Derrida (Ecole Pratique des Hautes-Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris), Professor of French Pascale-Anne Brault (Depaul University), Professor of Philosophy Michael Naas (Department of Philosophy Depaul University), Peter Krapp, Jean...

Derrida and the Economy of Diffaerance

By Irene E Harvey

Margins of Philosophy

By Jacques Derrida

The Ear of the Other - Otobiography, Transference, Translation: Texts and Discussions with Jacques Derrida

By Christie V. McDonald, Peggy Kamuf


By Jacques Derrida, Barbara Johnson

Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles/Eperons: Les Styles de Nietzsche

By Derrida, Jacques, Harlow, Barbara


By Jacques Derrida

The Post Card: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond

By Jacques Derrida (?cole Pratique des Hautes-?tudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris), Alan Bass