books by subject
Under- & Postgraduate Drama Criticism
A Loeb Classical Library Reader (Loeb Classical Library *CONTINS TO [email protected])
Marketing Literature: The Making of Contemporary Writing in Britain
Thomas Hardy - The Mayor of Casterbridge / Jude the Obscure
A Sidney Chronology: 1554-1654
Neurology and Literature, 1860-1920
Representing Women and Female Desire From Arcadia to Jane Eyre
ReQuiem Por Un Campesino EspanOl
Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Comedy: Authoritative Texts of the Country Wife, the Man of Mode, the Rover, the Way of the World, the Conscious ... : Contexts, cr: 0 (Norton Critical Editions)
Jimmy Swan
Brodie's Notes on William Shakespeare's "As You Like it"
Dark Sun: A Critical Study of D.H. Lawrence
The Phantom of the Opera
They Stand Together: The Letters of C. S. Lewis to Arthur Greeves, 1914-1963
Six Dramatists in Search of a Language: Studies in Dramatic Language
Macbeth (Cambridge School Shakespeare)
Secret Gardens: A Study of the Golden Age of Children's Literature
The Forked Flame: Study of D.H. Lawrence
Things To Do Now That You're Retired
Lysistrata and Other Plays (Penguin Classics)
Sophocles Plays 1: The Theban Plays: Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone:: "Oedipus the King"; "Oedipus at Colonnus"; "Antigone" v. 1
Mann: Buddenbrooks
The Mystery of the Sea
Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry
The Believer Book of Writers Talking to Writers
A Choice of Anglo-Saxon Verse: Parallel Text
The American City: Literary and Cultural Perspectives
Ou Es-Tu?
The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary: With Thumb Index (2 Volume Set)