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Under- & Postgraduate History by Access to History

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Access To History Context: An Introduction to Modern European History, 1890-1990

By Farmer, Alan

Access To History: Stalin & Khrushchev - the USSR, 1924-64

By Lynch, Michael

Access To History: Labour & Reform - Working-Class Movements, 1815-1914

By Behagg, Clive

Access To History: Great Britain and the Irish Question 1798-1921 Second Edition

By Byrne, Mike, Adelman, Paul, Pearce, Robert

The Unification of Germany

By Andrina Stiles

Access to History: Reaction and Revolutions - Russia, 1881-1924, 2nd Edition

By Lynch, Michael

Access To History: Reaction & Revolutions - Russia, 1881-1924

By Lynch, Michael, Michael Lynch

France in Revolution: v.ution (Access to History)

By Townson, Duncan, Rees, Dylan

Europe and the Enlightened Despots

By Walter Oppenheim

The American Civil War: Causes, Course and Consequences 1803-1877 (Access to History)

By Farmer, Alan

Access to History: Italy: The Rise of Fascism 1915-1945: Third edition

By Robson, Mark

Access To History: The People's Republic of China since 1949

By Lynch, Michael

Access To History: China - From Empire To People's Republic, 1900-49

By Lynch, Michael

Access to History: Great Britain and the Irish Question 1800-1922 2nd Edition

By Pearce, Robert, Adelman, Paul

Access To History In Depth: Europe at War, 1939-45

By Darby, Graham

Access to History: Race Relations in the USA 1863-1980: Third edition

By Saunders, Vivienne

The Concert of Europe: International Relations, 1814-70 (Access to A-Level History S.)

By Lowe, John

Access To History: The Habsburg Empire, 1815-1918

By Pelling, Nicholas

Access To History: The USA & Vietnam, 1945-75

By Sanders, Vivienne

Access To History: Elizabeth I - Religion & Foreign Affairs: Religion and Foreign Affairs: v. 1

By Warren, John

Elizabeth I and the Government of England

By Keith Randell

War and Peace: International Relations, 1914-45

By D. G. Williamson

Access To History: Russia, 1815-81

By Sherman, Russell

Access To History: Henry VII

By Steinsberg, Caroline

The Catholic and Counter Reformations

By Keith Randell

Access To History: The Concert Of Europe - International Relations, 1814-70

By Lowe, John

Access To History: Napoleon, France & Europe

By Stiles, Andrina

Access To History: Spain - Rise & Decline 1474-1643: Rise and Decline, 1474-1643

By Kilsby, Jill

Access To History: Charles V - Ruler, Dynast & Defender of the Faith, 1500-58: Ruler, Dynast and Defender of the Faith, 1500-58

By Macdonald, Stewart

Access to History: Henry VIII & the Reformation in England: v. 2

By Randell, Keith