books by subject
Under- & Postgraduate Media
Cultural Studies Goes To School: Reading and Teaching Popular Media (Bloomsbury Gardening Classics)
AS Media Studies for OCR
Advertising as Communication (Studies in Communications)
The Routledge Companion to Media and Human Rights
Information and Communications Technologies in Society: E-Living in a Digital Europe: 02 (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology)
Scientists Must Write: A Guide to Better Writing for Scientists, Engineers and Students (Routledge Study Guides)
Re-Imagining Rwanda: Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in the Late Twentieth Century
Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies (Comedia)
Engaging Audiences: A Cognitive Approach to Spectating in the Theatre
Memory and Political Change
The DVD and the Study of Film: The Attainable Text
The Americanization of the British Press, 1830s-1914: Speed in the Age of Transatlantic Journalism
History, Memory and Migration: Perceptions of the Past and the Politics of Incorporation
Murder and Media in the New Rome: The Fadda Affair
Remembering Diana: Cultural Memory and the Reinvention of Authority
Memory and Political Change
Public Memory, Public Media and the Politics of Justice
Coinage and State Formation in Early Modern English Literature
Memory and the Future: Transnational Politics, Ethics and Society (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)
Interrogating the Theory and Practice of Communication for Social Change: The Basis For a Renewal
After the Dresden Bombing: Pathways of Memory, 1945 to the Present
Transnational Feminism in Film and Media
Media, Place and Mobility (Key Concerns in Media Studies)
New Technologies and the Media (Key Concerns in Media Studies)
Liveness and Recording in the Media (Key Concerns in Media Studies)
Performance in the Blockades of Neoliberalism: Thinking the Political Anew
Education Out of Bounds: Reimagining Cultural Studies for a Posthuman Age
Women in Journalism at the Fin de Siecle: Making a Name for Herself
Representing Masculinity: Male Citizenship in Modern Western Culture