books by subject
Under- & Postgraduate Middle Eastern Studies
New Media and Revolution: Resistance and Dissent in Pre-uprising Syria
Muslim Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Empire
Twilight Nationalism: Politics of Existence at Life's End
Chances for Peace: Missed Opportunities in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
The Bloomsbury Companion to Islamic Studies
The Fatimids 2: The Rule from Egypt
Narrating Muslim Sicily: War and Peace in the Medieval Mediterranean World
Protection Amid Chaos: The Creation of Property Rights in Palestinian Refugee Camps
Doves Among Hawks: Struggles of the Israeli Peace Movements
Arab-Israeli Diplomacy under Carter: The US, Israel and the Palestinians
Jews and Islamic Law in Early 20th-Century Yemen
AngloArabia: Why Gulf Wealth Matters to Britain
The Shari'a: History, Ethics and Law
Istanbul 1940 and Global Modernity: The World According to Auerbach, Tanpinar, and Edib
Modern Middle Eastern Jewish Thought: Writings on Identity, Politics, and Culture, 1893-1958 (Brandeis Library of Modern Jewish Thought)
Violence and Militants: From Ottoman Rebellions to Jihadist Organizations: Volume 6
An Islam of Her Own: Reconsidering Religion and Secularism in Women's Islamic Movements
Electrical Palestine: Capital and Technology from Empire to Nation
Sultanic Saviors and Tolerant Turks: Writing Ottoman Jewish History, Denying the Armenian Genocide
Theorizing Islam: Disciplinary Deconstruction and Reconstruction
Islam After Liberalism
Shiism and Politics in the Middle East
The Rule of Violence: Subjectivity, Memory and Government in Syria
Iranian Identity and Cosmopolitanism: Spheres of Belonging
On Islam: Muslims and the Media
Taliban Narratives: The Use and Power of Stories in the Afghanistan Conflict
Islam and Democracy: Fear of the Modern World
The Great Game in West Asia: Iran, Turkey and the South Caucasus
Vintage Humour: The Islamic Wine Poetry of Abu Nuwas