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Under- & Postgraduate Sociology

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Crash Course Medical Ethics and Sociology, 2e

By Papanikitas BSc (Hons) MA MBBS DCH MRCGP DPMSA PhD, Andrew, Horton-Szar BSc(Hons) MBBS(Hons) MRCGP, Daniel

Sociology for AS-level

By Moore, Stephen, Chapman, Steve, Aiken, Dave

The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology: A User's Guide to Sociological Language

By Allan G. Johnson (Hartford College for Women)

Sociology AS for AQA

By Moore, Stephen, Aiken, Dave, Chapman, Steve

Sociology for 'A' Level: A Skills Based Approach

By Lawson, Tony

The Limits Of Globalization

By Alan Scott

A-Level Sociology: AQA Year 1 & AS Complete Revision & Practice: ideal for catch-up and the 2022 and 2023 exams (CGP A-Level Sociology)

By CGP Books, CGP Books

Introduction to the Sociology of Development

By Andrew Webster

The New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance (International Library of Sociology)

By Taylor, Ian

Sociology in Focus for OCR AS level

By Mr Paul Taylor, Mr John Richardson, Mr Andy Pilkington, Mr Mike Haralambos, Taylor, Mr Paul, Richardson, Mr John, Pilkington, Mr Andy, Haralambos, Mr Mike

The Sociology of Health and Medicine (Themes & perspectives in sociology)

By Hart, Nicky

The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology: Second Edition (Reference Books)

By Turner, Bryan, Abercrombie, Nicholas, Hill, Stephen, Bryan Turner, Nicholas Abercrombie, Stephen Hill

Sociology as Applied to Medicine, 6e

By Scambler BSc PhD, Graham

Sociology of Health and Medicine: New Perspectives

By V. Sujatha (, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

Qualitative Complexity: Ecology, Cognitive Processes and the Re-Emergence of Structures in Post-Humanist Social Theory

By John Smith, Chris Jenks (Brunel University, UK)

Political Sociology (Modern Sociological Readings)

By Pizzorno, Alessandro

The Handbook of Economic Sociology

By Neil J. Smelser, Richard Swedberg

Violence and Civilization: An Introduction to the Work of Norbert Elias

By Jonathan Fletcher (University of Brussels)

The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global Theory of Intellectual Change

By Randall Collins

Towards A Sociology For Childhood

By Berry Mayall


By Giddens, Anthony

Sociology, Nursing and Health

By Cooke, Hannah, etc., Williams, Anne, May, Carl

Class, Codes and Control, Vol. 2: Applied Studies Towards a Sociology of Language: v.2

By Bernstein, Basil

Introducing Sociology for AS level

By Ken Browne

Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective (Sociology for a New Century Series)

By McMichael, Philip

The Sociology of Work: Introduction

By Grint, Keith

Sociology: A Very Short Introduction

By Steve Bruce (Professor of Sociology, University of Aberdeen)

Contemporary British Society: A New Introduction to Sociology

By Abercrombie

Sociology Themes and Perspectives

By Michael Haralambos, Martin Holborn

A-level Study Guide Sociology

By Stephen Moore