books by subject
Under- & Postgraduate Student Guides

Adventures in Social Research: Data Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics

Top Class Competitors: How Nations, Firms, and Individuals Succeed in the New World of Competitiveness

Research Training for Social Scientists: A Handbook for Postgraduate Researchers

True Odds: How Risk Affect Your Everyday Life

Research Ethics for Social Scientists

Introducing Psychological Research

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches

Research Methods for Business Students

Tourism and Leisure Research Methods

Contemporary Debates in Education: An Historical Perspective

Business Research Methods

Handbook of New Media: Student Edition

Bestseller: Secrets of Successful Writing

Doing Internet Research: Critical Issues and Methods for Examining the Net

Write Your Life Story: How to Record and Present Your Memories for Friends and Family to Enjoy

Understanding Digital Games

New Approaches to Qualitative Research: Wisdom and Uncertainty


The Modern Researcher

Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach

Employment and Dyslexia Handbook: 2009

Doing a Systematic Review: A Student's Guide

The Pocket Muse: Ideas and Inspiration for Writing

Education in the United Kingdom: Structures and Organisation

Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times

Handbook of Qualitative Research

Disciplining Interdisciplinarity: Integration and Implementation Sciences for Researching Complex Real-World Problems

Thin Ice: Band 03 Yellow/Band 17 Diamond (Collins Big Cat Progress)

International Research Collaborations: Much to be Gained, Many Ways to Get in Trouble