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United States History

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How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich (Series in Ecology & History) (Series in Ecology and History)

By Brüggemeier, Franz-Josef, Cioc, Mark, Zeller, Thomas

491 Days: Prisoner Number 1323/69 (Modern African Writing Series)

By Madikizela-Mandela, Winnie, Kathrada, Ahmed

The Contemporary History of Latin America (Latin America in Translation)

By Donghi, Tulio Halperin, Chasteen, John Charles

The Argentina Reader: History, Culture, Politics (The Latin America Readers)

By Nouzeilles, Gabriela, Montaldo, Graciela

American Mosaic: The Immigrant Experience in the Words of Those Who Lived It (Pittsburgh Series in Social & Labor History)

By Morrison, Joan, Fox Zabusky, Charlotte

Survivors' Haggadah

By Sheinson, Yosef Dov, Touster, Saul

Separated by War: Oral History by Desert Storm Flyers and Their Families

By Herlik, Edward C.

Ends and Means: British Mesopotamian Campaign and Commission: The British Mesopotamian Campaign and Commission

By Davis, Paul

The Rage and Pride

By Fallaci, Oriana

The Armies of Agincourt: 113 (Men-at-Arms)

By Rothero, Christopher, Rothero, Christopher

The Fighting Nation: Lord Kitchener and His Armies

By Smithers, A.J.

The Day the Devils Dropped In: The 9th Parachute Battalion in Normandy, D-Day to D+6: Merville Battery to the Chateau St Come

By Barber, Neil

Vietnam Weapons Handbook

By Rosser-Owen, David

Spotlight On The Second World War (Spotlight on History)

By Harris, Nathaniel


By Couper, Alistair, Dawson, Philip, Dear, Ian, et al

Old Telephones: No. 161 (Shire Library)

By Andrew Emmerson

Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent

By Galeano, Eduardo, Belfrage, C.

History of English Affairs: Bk. 1 (Classical Texts): Book 1 (Aris & Phillips Classical Texts)

By Walsh, Peter, Kennedy, M. J.

Killers of the Flower Moon: Oil, Money, Murder and the Birth of the FBI

By Grann, David, David Grann

My School and the Years of War (Pt.2) (The Tamarisk Tree)

By Russell, Dora

Very Heaven:Life In Sixties

By Maitland, Sara

Past and Present in Contemporary Culture (v. 1) (Theatres of Memory)

By Samuel, Raphael

Prisoners of the American Dream: Politics and Economy in the History of the United States Working Class (Haymarket)

By Davis, Mike

Tyrannosaurus Sue

By Steve Fiffer

Chronicles of Old New York: Exploring Manhattan's Landmark Neighborhoods (Museyon Guides)

By Roman, James

Fundamental Freedoms: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

By Facing History and Ourselves, History And Ourselves

Remarkable Trees of Virginia

By Nancy Ross Hugo, Jeff Kirwan, Robert Llewellyn

TOWARDS A WORLD WAR III SCENAR: The Dangers of Nuclear War


Following the Harbor, 1894-1994: Northport Village's First Hundred Years

By Johnson, Barbara, Fortier, Cornelia

First along the River: A Brief History of the U.S. Environmental Movement

By Kline, Benjamin