books by subject
University Textbooks

Revision Questions on Food and Beverage Service

Sculptural Materials in the Classroom (Ceramics)

Art from Stories, Poems and Songs (Learning Activities for Early Years)

Word Level: Year 6: Word-Level Activities for the Literacy Hour

Making Books

Developing Literacy: Sentence Level Activities Year 2 Sentence-Level Activities for the Literacy Hour

Developing Numeracy: Measures, Shape and Space Year 3 Activities for the Daily Maths Lesson

Developing Literacy: Non-fiction: Year R: Reading and Writing Activities for the Literacy Hour (Developings)

Developing Numeracy: Calculations Year R Activities for the Daily Maths Lesson

Numbers and the Number System: Year 9: Year 9: Activities for Teaching Numeracy (Developing Numeracy)

Calculations: Year 8: Activities for the Daily Maths Lesson (Developing Numeracy)

Developing Key Stage 3 Numeracy: Algebra Year 8 (Developing Numeracy)

Developing Key Stage 3 Numeracy: Measures, Shape and Space Year 7: Activities for Teaching Numeracy (Developing Numeracy)

Developing Key Stage 3 Numeracy: Measures, Shape and Space Year 8: Activities for Teaching Numeracy (Developing Numeracy)

Measures, Shape and Space: Year 9: Activities for Teaching Numeracy (Developing Numeracy)

Developing Science: Year R: Developing Scientific Skills and Knowledge

Developing Numeracy: Mental Maths Year 3: Activities for the Daily Maths Lesson

Developing Citizenship: Year R Activities for Personal, Social and Health Education

Developing Citizenship: Year 1 Activities for Personal, Social and Health Education

DN:Using and Applying Maths Year 5 Developing Numeracy Mathematics Investigation: Investigations for the Daily Maths Lesson

Secrets of the Press

'New Statesman': Portrait of a Political Weekly 1913-1931

Political Communications: Why Labour Won the General Election of 1997

Old Age: A Guide for Professional & Lay Careers: A Guide for Professional and Lay Carers

Lifeboat V.C.: Story of Coxswain Dick Evans, B.E.M. and His Many Rescues

Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience

An Introduction to Genetic Analysis

The Black Death (Manchester Medieval Sources)

Health, Disease and Society in Europe, 1800–1930: A Source Book