books by subject
Violence in Society

Good Practice in Working with Violence

The Best Kept Secret: Sexual Abuse of Children

Stopping Family Violence: Research Priorities for the Coming Decade

Children Speak: Children, Trauma and Social Work

Physical Violence in American Families

Trauma-Organized Systems: Physical and Sexual Abuse in Families

Cycles of Child Maltreatment: Facts, Fallacies and Interventions

The Battered Child

The Battered Child

Sibling Abuse: Hidden Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Trauma

Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family

Violent Children and Adolescents: Asking the Question Why?

Overconfidence and War: The Havoc and Glory of Positive Illusions

When Father Kills Mother: Helping Children Move Through Trauma and Grief

Violence and Childhood in the Inner City

Aggression and Violence

Interviewing Children: A Guide for Child Care and Forensic Practitioners: 4 (Wiley Series in Child Care & Protection)

Concentration Camps: A Short History

Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace

Supporting Families: Child Protection in the Community

Working together under the Children Act 1989: a guide to arrangements for inter-agency co-operation for the protection of children from abuse

Politics Of Child Abuse

For Your Own Good: The Roots of Violence in Child-Rearing

Child Sexual Abuse: Feminist Perspectives

Power And Control: Why Charming Men Can Make Dangerous Lovers

Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape

Victims No Longer: Guide for Male Victims of Child Abuse

Just A Boy: The True Story Of A Stolen Childhood
