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Vocational Career Guidance

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Training: Research and Practice

By Patrick, John

Becoming an Orchestral Musician: A Guide for Aspiring Professionals

By Richard Davis

ICT, Pedagogy and the Curriculum: Subject to Change

By Ellis, Viv

AVR: An Introductory Course

By Morton, John

Action Learning: A Practitioner's Guide

By Beaty, Liz, McGill, Ian

Management Development Beyond the Fringe: A Practical Guide to Alternative Approaches

By Lowe, Phil, Lewis, Ralph

Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail

By Belbin, R Meredith

The Careers Directory 2017

By Reynolds, Ken

Brilliant Cover Letters: What you need to know to write a truly brilliant cover letter (Brilliant Business)

By Innes, James

53 Interesting Ways to Promote Equal Opportunities in Education (Interesting Ways to Teach S.)

By Lewis, Vicky, Habeshaw, Sue

INTERPRENEUR: The Secrets of my Journey to becoming an Internet Millionaire: The Secrets of my Journey to becoming an Internet Millionaire

By Coulson, Simon

Business Model You: A One–Page Method For Reinventing Your Career

By Clark, Timothy, Osterwalder, Alexander, Pigneur, Yves

Setting the PACE in Product Development

By Mcgrath, Michael E.

Managing Media Work

By Deuze, Mark

Complementary Medicine Careers Handbook

By Foulkes, Jane

Education, Unemployment and Labour Markets

By Brown, Philip, Ashton, D.N.

Scheming for Youth: Study of the Y.T.S. in the Enterprise Culture

By Lee Kuo Cheun, David, etc., Marsden, Dennis

Developing as a Teacher of History (Professional development management file)

By Stern, Julian

The Intelligence Advantage: Organizing for Complexity

By McMaster, Michael

Higher Professional Education for General Practitioners (Radcliffe Professional Development)

By Peile, Ed, Buckle, Glynis, GALLEN, Derek


By Thorpe, Sara, Clifford, Jackie

Vocational Teacher Education in Central Asia: Developing Skills and Facilitating Success: 28 (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 28)

By Drummer, Jens, Hakimov, Gafurjon, Joldoshov, Mamatair, Kohler, Thomas, Udartseva, Svetlana

Teaching Reflective Learning in Higher Education: A Systematic Approach Using Pedagogic Patterns

By Ryan, Mary Elizabeth

Facing Trajectories from School to Work: Towards a Capability-Friendly Youth Policy in Europe: 20 (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 20)

By Otto, Hans-Uwe, Atzmüller, Roland, Berthet, Thierry, Bifulco, Lavinia, Bonvin, Jean-Michel, Chiappero-Martinetti, Enrica, Egdell, Valerie, Halleröd, Bjorn, Kjeldsen, Christian Christrup, Kwiek, Marek, Schroer, Regine, Vero, Josiane, Zieleńska, Marianna

Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific: 19 (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 19)

By Maclean, Rupert, Jagannathan, Shanti, Sarvi, Jouko

Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning: Why Recognition Matters: 21 (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 21)

By Singh, Madhu

Networked Flow: Towards an Understanding of Creative Networks (SpringerBriefs in Education)

By Gaggioli, Andrea, Riva, Giuseppe, Milani, Luca, Mazzoni, Elvis

How to Write Technical Reports: Understandable Structure, Good Design, Convincing Presentation

By Hering, Heike

Rethinking Health Care Ethics

By Scher, Stephen, Kozlowska, Kasia

Transdisciplinary Professional Learning and Practice

By Gibbs, Paul