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Warfare & Defence

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Warrior Chiefs of Southern Africa

By Ian Knight

How to Avoid Being Killed in a War Zone: The Essential Survival Guide for Dangerous Places

By Rosie Garthwaite

The Wrong Enemy: America In Afghanistan 2001 - 2014

By Carlotta Gall

The Secret Life of War

By Peter Beaumont

Crusading Warfare 1097-1193

By R. C. Smail

The Road to War

By R. J. Overy, Andrew Wheatcroft

Marshal Zhukov

By Axell, Albert

Revolution from Above, Rebellion from Below: The Agrarian Transvaal at the Turn of the Century

By Jeremy Krikler (Lecturer in History, Lecturer in History, University of Essex)

The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation

By J.P.C. Laband

Spitfire: A Test Pilot's Story

By Jeffrey Quill

European Empires from Conquest to Collapse, 1815-1960

By V.G. Kiernan

Rebels in a Rotten State

By Kieran Mitton

The South African War, 1899-1902

By Bill Nasson

Hawker Hunter: Biography of a Thoroughbred

By Francis K. Mason

Eisenhower: Soldier and President

By Stephen E. Ambrose

The Weight of a Mustard Seed

By Wendell Steavenson

The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution

By Patrick Cockburn

Intelligence in War

By John Keegan

Blood, Tears and Folly

By Len Deighton



War and War Crimes: The Military, Legitimacy and Success in Armed Conflict

By James Gow

How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything: Tales from the Pentagon

By Rosa Brooks (University of Virginia)

Medieval Heraldry

By Terence Wise, Richard Hook

Bosnia: A Short History

By Malcolm, Noel

The Centurions

By Damion Hunter

The Border Wolves: A gripping novel of Ancient Rome

By Damion Hunter

Gurkhas at War: Eyewitness Accounts from World War Ii to Iraq

By John Cross

The Complete Idiot's Guide to World Conflicts

By Steven D. Strauss

Island Fortress: The Defence of Great Britian 1606-1945

By Norman Longmate

Monty: Life of Montgomery of Alamein: v. 3: The Field Marshal, 1944-76

By Nigel Hamilton