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Warfare & Defence

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Fire in the Night: Wingate of Burma, Ethiopia and Zion

By Smith, C, Bierman, J

The Genius of Alexander the Great

By Hammond, N. G. L.

Robert E. Lee in Texas

By Carl Coke Rister (author) & Jerry Thompson (Foreword by)

Dangerous Passage: The Santa Fe Trail and the Mexican War

By Chalfant, William Y., Chalfont, Williams, Mont David, Simmons, Marc

Trials and Triumphs: The Women of the American Civil War

By Marilyn Mayer Culpepper (author)

Scalp Dance: Indian Warfare on the High Plains, 1865-1879

By Goodrich, Th

Guerrilla Warfare (Pelican S.)

By Ernesto Che Guevara

Punic Wars

By Caven, Brian

BC only Athens: A Portrait of the City in Its Golden Age

By Meier, Christian

Highwaymen and Outlaws

By Billett, Michael

The SAS Survival Handbook

By Wiseman, John ‘Lofty’

Basic Astro Navigation

By Dixon, Conrad

Fighting Evil: The Ordinary Man who went to War Against ISIS

By Gifford, Macer, McNab, Andy

The Avengers: A Jewish War Story

By Cohen, Richard

Using and Abusing the Holocaust (Jewish Literature and Culture)

By Langer, Lawrence L.

Politicians and Soldiers in Ghana

By Austin, Dennis, Luckham, Robin

Day of Infamy: Attack on Pearl Harbor

By Lord, Walter

The Origins of the American Civil War (Origins Of Modern Wars)

By Reid, Brian Holden

"We'll Meet Again": Songs and Music That Inspired Courage During Wartime

By Bailey, Olivia

The Month-by-Month Atlas of World War II

By Pitt, Barrie, Frances

The Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare: Renaissance to Revolution, 1492–1792

By Black, Jeremy

Nebuchadnessar: Scourge of Zion (Heroes & Warriors S.)

By Healy, Mark, Hook, Richard

Maps of War: Mapping Conflict Through the Centuries

By Black, Jeremy

Station X: The Codebreakers of Bletchley Park

By Smith, Michael

The March Of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam

By Tuchman, Barbara W.

Armed Forces of the UK 2004/05

By Heyman, Charles

Disrupt and Deny: Spies, Special Forces, and the Secret Pursuit of British Foreign Policy

By Cormac, Rory

Poorly Performing Staff in Schools and How to Manage Them: Capability, competence and motivation (Educational Management)

By Atton, Tessa

In Hitler's Bunker - A Boy Soldier's Eyewitness Account of the Fuhrer's Last Days

By Lehmann, Armin, Carroll, Tim

Can Science End War? (New Human Frontiers)

By Dolman, Everett Carl