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Western Philosophy

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A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'

By Norman Kemp Smith, Sebastian Gardner

Can't We Make Moral Judgements?

By Mary Midgley (Independent scholar, UK)

Early Greek Philosophy

By Jonathan Barnes

You Kant Make It Up!: Strange Ideas From History's Great Philosophers

By Hayden, Gary

Levinas, The Frankfurt School and Psychoanalysis

By C Fred Alford

The Laws

By Plato, Saunders, Trevor, T. Saunders

The Artist, The Philosopher and The Warrior

By Paul Strathern

Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason (Routledge Philosophy GuideBooks)

By Gardner, Sebastian

Ideas Have Consequences: Expanded Edition

By Richard M. Weaver, Roger Kimball, Ted J. Smith

Summa of the Summa

By Peter J. Kreeft

Cambridge Platonist Spirituality

By Charles Taliaferro, Alison J. Teply, Jaroslav Pelikan

The Left Hemisphere: Mapping Critical Theory Today

By Razmig Keucheyan, Gregory Elliott

Existentialism: A Beginner's Guide

By Wartenberg, Thomas E, Thomas E. Wartenberg

The Nonsense of Kant and Lewis Carroll: Unexpected Essays on Philosophy, Art, Life, and Death

By Ben-Ami Scharfstein

Kant and Phenomenology

By Tom Rockmore (Duquesne University)

Context Of Self: Phenomenological Inquiry

By Richard Zaner


By Alasdair MacIntyre

Wittgenstein and Plato: Connections, Comparisons and Contrasts

By Luigi Perissinotto, B. Ramon-Camara, Begona Ramon Camara

The Historical Turn in Analytic Philosophy

By E. Reck

Logic as Universal Science: Russell's Early Logicism and its Philosophical Context

By A. Korhonen

The Fractured Self in Freud and German Philosophy

By M. Altman, C. Coe

William James on Religion

By H. Rydenfelt, S. Pihlstroem

How to Stop Living and Start Worrying: Conversations with Carl Cederstrm

By Simon Critchley (New School for Social Research), Carl Cederstroem (New School for Social Research)

Clear Bright Future: A Radical Defence of the Human Being

By Mason, Paul

L'Existentialisme est un humanisme

By Jean-Paul Sartre

The Courage of Truth (Michel Foucault, Lectures at the Collège de France)

By Foucault, M., Burchell, Graham

Rethinking Commonsense Psychology: A Critique of Folk Psychology, Theory of Mind and Simulation

By Matthew Ratcliffe

Literature, Philosophy, Nihilism: The Uncanniest of Guests

By Shane Weller

Machinic Modernism: The Deleuzian Literary Machines of Woolf, Lawrence and Joyce

By B. Monaco

Reason, Will and Emotion: Defending the Greek Tradition against Triune Consciousness

By P. Crittenden